Are Heavy Periods a Sign of Infertility?

heavy periods

No, heavy periods are not a sign of infertility. In fact, no scientific evidence proves any relationship between heavy periods and fertility. However, you should pay special attention to your period flow as it is a crucial indicator of your overall health. 

According to healthcare experts, both light and heavy period flow can be a sign of a hormonal imbalance that can be corrected with medications. Consulting the top gynaecologist in Mohali for regular screening can help keep severe health issues at bay. Stay with us as we shed some light on this issue.


What is Considered a Heavy Period?

Menstrual flow that lasts longer than seven days is known as menorrhagia. Heavy bleeding is another possibility. How can you tell if you are bleeding heavily? Heavy bleeding is the need to change your tampon or pad in less than two hours or the passage of blood clots at least a quarter size. 

You should consult the best gynaecologist in Mohali if you experience this period flow. This condition can also lead to anaemia. It can make you feel weak or exhausted. Moreover, it can also result in additional medical issues. 

What are the Causes of Heavy Periods?

Are you worried that your heavy periods are impacting your fertility? Leave all your worries aside and meet the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh to understand everything about female infertility. Moreover, heavy periods can be due to many reasons like: 

  • Uterine-Related Problems – Tumours are growth in the uterus that is benign in nature. They are known as polyps or fibroids. This condition can interfere with pregnancy. However, you should consult the top gynaecologist in Mohali for the right and most effective fibroids treatment. 
  • Uterine or Cervical Cancer – Some pregnancy control methods, like an intrauterine device (IUD). 
  • Pregnancy-Related Problems – Issues like a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy can also develop abnormal bleeding during periods. Abortion occurs when the foetus, or unborn child, passes away inside the uterus. A dangerous condition known as an ectopic pregnancy occurs when a foetus develops outside the uterus. 
  • Endometriosis – Endometrial tissue inside your uterus can develop on other abdominal organs or the outside of your uterus, a disease known as endometriosis. It may result in discomfort and unusual bleeding. It can also lead to a heavy period after trying to conceive.
  • Irregular Menstruation – You might have heavy bleeding or occasionally miss periods if your menstrual cycle is irregular. Additionally, your period may result in excruciating pain or cramping. 
  • Problems with Ovulation – If your ovaries don’t consistently produce eggs (ovulate), you may experience irregular periods. If you do experience menstruation, it may be heavier than normal. 
  • Bleeding Issues – Bleeding disorders like haemophilia and other congenital blood conditions can also lead to excessive menstrual bleeding.  
  • Thyroid Disorder – Thyroid dysfunction is one of the major causes of menstrual abnormalities. It can lead to heavy periods. You should consult an experienced gynaecologist in Chandigarh to manage this condition. Leaving it untreated can also impact your pregnancy attempts. 

Sometimes, medicine like Aspirin and others can lead to heavy period bleeding. If you experience this kind of bleeding and your gynaecologist has examined you normally, you should be tested for a bleeding condition. 

Symptoms of Heavy Periods 

Menstrual cycles with unusually heavy or extended bleeding are referred to as menorrhagia in medicine. Although excessive menstrual bleeding is a common cause for worry, menorrhagia is a completely curable condition. However, trust the best gynaecologist in Mohali for the right diagnosis and treatment. Menorrhagia symptoms and signs can include: 

  • Soak through one or more tampons or sanitary napkins each hour for several hours. 
  • Using two types of sanitary pads to regulate your menstrual discharge 
  • Waking up during the night to alter sanitary protection 
  • A week or more of bleeding 
  • Blood clots bigger than a quarter passing 
  • Restricting everyday activities because of a heavy period 
  • Anaemia symptoms like exhaustion, lethargy, or shortness of breath 

When to See the Doctor?

Here are the top conditions where medical intervention becomes crucial. 

  • Heavy vaginal flow lasts longer than two hours, soaking at least one pad or tampon per hour.
  • Any vaginal bleeding following menopause, including bleeding during periods or leaking irregularly.
  • You need to line your underwear in various methods to prevent stains. 
  • When you are bleeding for more than seven days. 
  • You are unable to carry out your everyday tasks because of an unusual menstrual flow. 
  • Insufficient blood flow is causing sleep interruptions, and you need to get up in the middle of the night to replace your sanitary pad. 
  • If you are passing considerably large-sized blood clots during periods. 
  • Constant abdominal and pelvic discomfort that never stops. 
  • Experiencing exhaustion, lethargy, and shortness of breath are signs of anaemia. 


Your gynaecologist can prescribe the following tests and screenings to examine your issue of heavy periods:

  • A transvaginal ultrasound examination to look for womb and ovary structural abnormalities 
  • Internal (vaginal) inspection to check for abnormalities in the cervical and vaginal regions. 
  • A test to detect cervical cancer is called a Pap screening. 
  • Vaginal biopsies to look for an infection there. 
  • Gynaecologists can recommend more precise MRI scans or transabdominal scans for young girls who are not eligible for internal examination or scan. 

Besides these tests, your gynaecologist can also prescribe some blood tests like:

  • A full blood count test is to determine whether you have anaemia. 
  • A test for thyroid function because thyroid disease can impact menstruation. 
  • If your menses have been heavy since adolescence, get a coagulation screen. 
  • If an ovarian cyst is suspected, it may also be necessary to obtain ovarian tumour markers. 

Bottom Line

Heavy periods are curable and not a prominent sign of infertility. However, consult the top gynaecologist in Mohali for the right treatment and concerning infertility warning signs. Meanwhile, you should maintain a healthy weight, blood sugar, and blood pressure levels. Additionally, quit processed food and satisfy unhealthy cravings with these healthy options. These simple steps can immensely help. 

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