
  • cough and cold in pregnancy July 13, 2023

    When you become pregnant, your immune system may get weak as compared to non-pregnant women. A runny nose, cough, and other symptoms of a cold can cause extreme discomfort, and most medicines are not safe during that time. Certain medications may harm the baby or cause issues for you, such as increasing your blood pressure.

    This is why you need to be very careful with your health during pregnancy. But, sometimes due to weather changes or other reasons, you may get sick to treat the cold carefully.  In this article, we will discuss the ways to treat cold and cough in pregnancy.

    The Reason Behind Coughing During Pregnancy

    Having a cough is normal in pregnancy and can occur at any time. The hormonal changes during this time make women more sensitive to allergies or viral diseases. 

    Try to avoid prolonged exposure to cold temperatures and exposure to heavily polluted areas. Also, make sure you drink at least 2 litres of water every day, warm drinks including warm drinks.

    Excessive Coughing During Pregnancy

    There are many causes of excessive coughing during pregnancy. It’s important to consult your gynaecologist or doctor for proper guidance. Here are some common causes:

    • Respiratory Infections: Being pregnant, you will be more susceptible to respiratory infections like the flu, the common cold, asthma, and more.
    • Allergies: In pregnancy, allergies can cause extreme coughing when exposed to allergens such as pollen, dust, or pet dander.
    • Medicines: Sometimes pregnancy medicines cause a cough as a side effect.

    What Helps A Cold And Cough When Pregnant?

    Most coughs go away on their own in two or three weeks. But, if you are feeling discomfort with a cold and cough, then you can follow these tips for some relief:


    Drink at least 10 – 12 glasses of water a day. This keeps you hydrated and helps remove the mucus build-up. It is really helpful in treating mild colds at home.

    Nutritional diet

    You need to be very conscious about your diet during pregnancy. To maintain a strong immune system, make sure you eat a balanced diet full of nutrients and vitamins. Veggies like tomatoes, spinach, brinjals, and fresh fruits are high in antioxidants, that can boost your immune response against flu or viruses.

    Get Adequate Rest

    If you are suffering from cold in pregnancy, then it is very important that you take adequate rest. Resting is the best way to give your body time and energy to fight the infection. Napping two to three times a day is a good option to provide your body with a good amount of rest and recoup.

    Breathing Exercises

    Do some light exercises, if you feel up to it. Staying active warms up your body and makes you feel better, leading to an easier recovery. Exercising also builds immunity, so try a few pregnancy-safe exercises.

    Home Remedies to Treat Cough and Cold at Home

    Home remedies can be effective in alleviating the symptoms of a cough and cold. However, please note that these remedies are not a substitute for professional medical advice. If your symptoms are severe, persistent, or if you have any underlying health conditions, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider. Here are some home remedies that may help:

    Steam Inhalation

    Inhaling steam can help loosen mucus and ease congestion. You can do this by filling a bowl with hot water, placing a towel over your head, and inhaling the steam for several minutes.


    Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help soothe a sore throat and reduce coughing. You can make ginger tea or add ginger to hot water with honey.


    • 1 cup hot water
    • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
    • 1 tablespoon honey
    • 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated ginger


    • In a cup of hot water, add lemon juice, honey, and grated ginger.
    • Stir well until the honey is dissolved.
    • Sip this tea slowly to soothe your throat and provide relief from coughing.

    Vitamin C

    Foods high in vitamin C, such as oranges, strawberries, and bell peppers, may help boost your immune system.

    Gargle with Salt Water

    Gargling with warm salt water can soothe a sore throat and help reduce irritation.


    In conclusion, when treating a cough and cold during pregnancy, it’s essential to prioritize safety and consult with a healthcare provider. While many home remedies like honey lemon tea, ginger hot water, steam inhalation, and salt water gargle can offer relief, it’s crucial to ensure they’re appropriate for your unique situation. Maintaining hydration and getting sufficient rest are essential, too. Remember, your doctor’s guidance is paramount, ensuring the remedies chosen are safe for both you and your baby. If symptoms persist or worsen, professional medical advice should be sought to ensure the best care for a healthy pregnancy.

    Visit the best maternity hospital in Chandigarh and Mohali for a happy pregnancy. Book an appointment now!

  • baby activities July 7, 2023

    Did you know that at birth, your baby’s brain already contains billions of neurons? Isn’t it incredible? However, the real magic happens when your little one starts to explore and interact with the world around them. The first year of a baby’s life is a period of surprising brain development. As they discover the world, neural pathways start forming and getting stronger in their little brain. This process is known as synaptogenesis. 

    During this time, your baby’s brain is super adaptable and can change and reorganize itself based on its experiences and what it learns. Your role as a parent is vital in supporting this process and helping your little one reach their full potential. 

    Nurturing Your Sweetheart With Fun Activities 

    So, are you excited to experience and enjoy the happiest and most enriching moments with your child? Here are a few engaging and fun physical activities to ensure healthy brain development in your babies (from 3-12 months).

    Reading Together

    Reading books together with your little one is a wonderful way to help them grow and learn! It’s not just about the words but the special bond you create and the magic of your voice truly capturing their attention. Even though they might not understand everything right now, they will absorb and learn from the way you talk and the sounds they hear. Picture books are the best. With large, high-contrast images and simple patterns, they evoke your baby’s visual senses.

    Talking and Singing

    These are among the best baby activities you can indulge in. The little ones are excellent listeners and can pick up on the nuances of language from an early age. Engaging in conversations and singing to your baby encourages language development and emotional connection. You can do this in a variety of ways:

    • Speak to your baby using sweet, simple words and funny faces. Your bundle of joy would love this fun way of talking, and they’ll respond happily to it!
    • Talk to your baby throughout the day about what you’re doing or how your day was. They’ll observe and pick up from your body language, facial expressions, and voice.
    • Sing lullabies, nursery rhymes, and simple songs to your baby. You can do it while feeding them or putting them to sleep. This can drastically help in their overall memory development. 

    The Play of Reach and Grab

    This activity is like a mini workout for your baby’s developing muscles and cognitive abilities.  As they explore and grasp objects, their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills improve. Encourage your baby to reach and grab for toys as they play. This would allow them to better control their movements and explore their surroundings more effectively. Fill their play area with safe and colorful toys that will stimulate their curiosity and help them.


    It is a delightful game that helps babies understand object permanence and enhances social interactions. By hiding and revealing faces or objects, your baby can learn that things still exist even when out of sight. You can make peek-a-boo even more fun by using different toys or hiding in new places. Also, let your little angel take the lead sometimes and initiate the game. This would promote their cognitive skills, memory, and attention while strengthening their emotional bond with you. 

    Dancing Together

    Bonding through dance with your baby is a beautiful way to connect and have fun! As you hold them gently and sway to the music, they feel the rhythm and movement, which is utterly enjoyable. This dancing experience nurtures emotional connection and trust, making them feel safe and loved. The gentle movements also stimulate their sense of balance and body awareness. So, put on some music and dance with your baby, creating precious memories. Try a variety of music styles, from hip-hop to waltz, and observe their natural response to the sounds and beats.

    Musical Instruments

    Introducing your baby to musical instruments can be a delightful and enriching experience. Offer safe instruments such as shakers or drums, allowing them to explore and create their own music. The act of shaking, tapping, or banging these instruments brings joy and enhances their sensory development and fine motor skills. Encouraging their creativity and self-expression through music fosters a sense of accomplishment and boosts their confidence. So, let their musical journey begin as your baby discovers the joy of making beautiful sounds with their own little hands!

    Exploring Nature

    Take your baby outdoors to explore nature and the world around them. Being in nature provides sensory experiences that aid in brain development. Take leisurely walks with your baby in a park or garden. Let them touch leaves, feel the grass under their feet, and observe birds and insects. Show them different varieties of flowers and plants, repeating their names often. You can also lie down with your baby and look up at the clouds. Talk about the shapes and colors you see, encouraging their imagination. 

    Building Bonds Independently

    Spending time with siblings or other babies can be a valuable and enjoyable experience for your little one. It offers opportunities for social interaction and learning from their peers. As they observe and play with other children, they pick up essential social skills like sharing, taking turns, and cooperation. These interactions also foster language development, as they try to communicate and understand each other. Moreover, bonding with siblings creates a unique and special connection that contributes to their emotional development. This can give you also the much-needed ‘me’ time for yourself, especially after the postpartum. So, allow your baby to have these precious moments with siblings or playmates.

    Final Thoughts

    The first year of your baby’s life is a crucial time for brain development. Such acts of playing and interacting help shape their learning abilities. Each baby is unique, so take the time to observe their interests and preferences to adjust these infant activities that suit them best. As you engage in these activities, you create a supportive and loving environment for their overall mental, emotional, and physical growth. These early interactions and experiences will stay with them as they grow, laying the foundation for a lifetime of learning and exploration. So, treasure these special moments with your baby and embrace this precious time of their early development. And, don’t shy away from taking expert counseling and help, if needed. 

  • June 29, 2023

    Parenting lies in the unconditional affection, guidance, and nurturing provided to a child. It is a lifelong commitment filled with both joys and challenges. Parents with only one child often develop a unique relationship with their kids. With no siblings to share attention, parents have the opportunity to provide undivided love, support, and guidance to the child. 

    However, being your child’s sole source of companionship and support has its own challenges. This is so as parents may feel pressure to fulfill multiple roles and ensure their child doesn’t feel isolated. Despite such odds, those with only one child have the chance to cultivate a deep and meaningful connection. Like other parents, they can also foster a strong sense of love, understanding, and mutual respect.

    Are you also struggling to bring up your only child? Here are the most common obstacles parents face and tips on how they can overcome them.

    Give Them Their Breathing Space

    It’s important to think about the pressure that comes from being the only focus of parental expectations. It is crucial to let your kid explore their interests, make decisions, and even experience failure. Don’t always step in or shield them from every setback. 

    When you give them space to face challenges on their own, you help them develop problem-solving skills, self-confidence, and adaptability. Encourage your child to take risks, learn from mistakes, and discover their own identity. As parents, you must guide and support your only child, empowering him/her to be an independent and capable individual.

    Make Them Interact with Others 

    If your child doesn’t have siblings, they may not get many chances to interact and solve conflicts with other kids. But you can help by encouraging him/her to do things beyond the immediate family. These activities can include interacting with kids in the neighborhood, joining kids’ social clubs, or participating in playdates. This way, they can meet other children, make friends, and learn to get along. 

    Also, you must make your home a friendly and welcoming place where good social skills are nurtured. Have family get-togethers or invite friends so your child can connect with people other than their parents.

    Overcome Hesitations and Communicate Freely 

    Only children may sometimes feel lonely, especially if they don’t have regular companions. As parents, it’s important to create a caring and supportive environment. Encourage open communication, acknowledge their feelings, and provide opportunities for social interaction. You can plan family outings and connect with extended family members. Besides, you can involve them in community activities where they can make meaningful friendships. 

    Let your child freely express their thoughts and emotions, and make sure they feel listened to and understood. Create a safe space where they can share their worries, problems, and achievements. By promoting open communication, you establish a foundation of trust and support, helping them explore relationships both within and outside the family.

    Reduce Your Child’s Excessive Dependency on You

    Contrary to you being obsessed with them, does your child seek constant attention from you? This is perhaps another common problem that parents of an only child go through. Your kid may continue to look for your focus and approval even for the smallest decisions in life. It’s important to find a balance between spending quality time together and encouraging independent play to resolve this. Give them dedicated one-on-one time while encouraging them to play independently. This will help them become more self-reliant and emotionally independent.

    You should also assign them age-appropriate responsibilities and involve them in decision-making. This could provide your child with a sense of ownership and independence. Making time for special activities and open communication is crucial to strengthen your bond. This balancíng would create a healthy foundation for their growth.

    Celebrate Their Unique Personality 

    Parents of only children sometimes have high expectations, their child being the center of attention. To avoid putting too much pressure on your kid, accepting and celebrating their individuality is essential. Appreciate their unique qualities and understand that those qualities make them special. Don’t compare them to others or set unrealistic expectations based on what others think. Instead, focus on bringing out their talents and interests, ensuring their happiness and satisfaction.

    Support their selective hobbies, skills, and passions, and let them explore their own path. Teach them to value efforts, have a growth mindset, learn, and consider personal development more than just achievements. Create a supportive environment where they can pursue their goals while enjoying the journey and celebrating their progress.

    Asking for Professional Guidance in Need

    Human emotions and expectations can be complex. Sometimes, getting help from a psychologist when raising an only child is important. It’s crucial to understand that seeking help shows strength, not weakness. It can give you a fresh perspective, helping you better understand your child’s needs. You can then think of effective ways to fulfill their requirements. This way, you can appropriately talk about their unique problems, find solutions, and create a positive environment for their well-being. 

    A qualified family psychologist or therapist can offer valuable help and tactics to build a happy family. They can address emotional and behavioral issues, guide social growth, and support the child and parent in making healthy relationships. After all, prioritizing your child’s mental health is important, and seeking psychological help contributes to their overall happiness and growth.

    Final Thoughts 

    Raising an only child can be challenging, but with careful planning and support, you can give them a fulfilling and positive upbringing. It’s important to use thoughtful ways that focus on socializing, independence, managing expectations, addressing loneliness, and promoting personal growth. Doing this can ensure a strong base for your child’s complete personality development. It’s important to remember that your love and understanding are essential in helping your child feel confident of themselves and live in harmony with others.

  • best maternity hospital in mohali June 22, 2023

    Awaiting the welcome of your precious little one could be a joyful yet nervously exciting experience. This is certainly true for both experienced and new would-be parents. As you get ready for this wonderful day, it’s important to make sure everything goes right during the delivery.

    From adopting the appropriate lifestyle to finding a reliable maternity hospital, you’d need to take care of every important aspect for a smooth delivery. To help you experience healthy and happy delivery, let’s first understand how you can search for a trusted care provider. 

    Choosing the Best Maternity Hospital in Chandigarh

    Selecting the right maternity hospital is crucial for the safe delivery of your baby. If you’re a resident of Tricity (and nearby areas), you can easily find some of the excellent maternity care services in Chandigarh. These centres offer comprehensive prenatal and postnatal care with advanced facilities and a supportive environment for you and your baby. To make sure you always choose the right hospital, consider the following factors:

    • The hospital’s expertise in high-risk pregnancies
    • Availability of maternity care units
    • Patient reviews
    • Hygiene 
    • Insurance coverage (if applicable)

    In addition, you should take a tour of the hospital and explore the available facilities. If possible, you also can speak to other parents who have had experiences there, and discuss your expectations with the hospital staff.

    Preparing for the Big Day

    Once you have chosen the best maternity hospital, it’s time to focus on welcoming your bundle of joy. Here are some important tips to ease your worries and prepare for your baby’s arrival. 

    1. Attend prenatal classes – Prenatal classes provide valuable information about childbirth techniques, breathing exercises, and coping strategies. Many of them are designed for both mothers and fathers to ensure a happy collective experience of childbirth. These classes will help you build confidence and prepare for the challenges of labour.

    2. Create a birth plan – Discuss your birth preferences with your gynaecologist and put together a birth plan. It should include your pain management preferences, desired support people in the delivery room, and any special requests you may have.

    3. Maintain a positive mindset –  To psychologically prepare for child delivery, you must stay positive. Surround yourself with supportive people, and trust your body’s ability in bringing new life into the world. Watch entertaining content that keeps you cheerful and practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises and meditation. 

    4. Eat well –  You must feed your body right during pregnancy. Aim for a balanced diet packed with fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. Stay hydrated and pay attention to your body’s signals. Eating well boosts your energy and nutrient levels required for a healthy delivery. 

    5. Stay active – Regular exercise during pregnancy enhances your strength and stamina. Try enjoyable and easy activities like prenatal yoga or walking. Learn more about exercises and activities that are safe during pregnancy. Simultaneously, consult a doctor or maternity care expert to receive the right guidance. 

    6. Get soothing massages:  Relaxing, gentle massages during pregnancy work wonders! They soothe muscle tension, boost blood flow, and melt away stress and anxiety. Moreover, special techniques like perineal massage make you more flexible and help prevent tearing during childbirth. Massage also promotes relaxation and increases the production of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for contractions.

    7.  Pack your hospital bag – Prepare a bag with essential items such as comfortable clothing, toiletries, nursing bras, and items for your baby. Include important documents like your ID, insurance information, and birth plan. If you use special pillows or blankets suiting your comfort needs, don’t hesitate in carrying them along, too. Remember, your comfort is of the utmost importance during this crucial time. 

    8. Arrange transportation – Make sure you look for a reliable conveyance in advance to stay prepared for rushing to the hospital during labour pain. Keep emergency contact numbers handy and plan alternative routes in case of traffic or other unforeseen circumstances. You can also get in touch with the transportation services of the hospital you choose for delivery. 

    Bonus Tip – Feel at Ease with Temperature Therapy

    To relieve discomfort before and after pregnancy, try heat and cold therapy. Apply a hot water bottle, heating pad, or microwaveable bag to your lower abdomen or back for warmth and relief. Alternatively, use a cold pack on your back to soothe and reduce back pain. Switching between these two therapies can help you find the most effective solution as per your need. 

    Get Comprehensive Fertility, Pregnancy, and Gynae Care 

    The Best Pregnancy and IVF Care

    Your well-being is our top priority, and we at Dr. Sodhi’s Health Care Multispecialty Hospital & IVF Centre are here to support you at every step! Our team of skilled paediatricians is available 24/7 in the OPD for regular baby check-ups and vaccinations, and complete care for both mother and newborn.

    In addition to being a trusted maternity hospital, we are the best IVF centre in Chandigarh. We have experienced fertility specialists, and make use of only the safe techniques and equipment. With a good reputation in the fertility and maternity care community, we have the highest records of success rates in Tricity. Our 15+ years of expertise have helped countless couples in overcoming fertility challenges. With hi-tech equipment and techniques, we provide many treatment options and facilities including:

    • In vitro fertilisation (IVF) & IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)
    • Egg & Sperm Donation
    • 24-HOUR Paediatric Emergency
    • Level II NICU
    • Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)
    • Blastocyst Transfer
    • Embryo Hatching
    • Surrogacy & more.

    The Best Gynae in Mohali

    We are also the best gynaecologists in Chandigarh and Mohali, offering a wide range of gynaecological and provide personalised care. Our healthcare services include: 

    • Routine check-ups
    • Menopause care and management 
    • Gynae ultrasound and follicular monitoring 
    • Maternity treatments and plans
    • Preventive screenings
    • Contraceptive counselling
    • Management of gynaecological conditions, and more. 

    Ready to take the next step on your journey to parenthood? Contact us today to schedule a consultation or simply learn more about what we offer.

  • June 16, 2023

    When it comes to incorporating fertility medications into your daily routine, it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider regarding any specific dietary restrictions or guidelines you should follow. They can provide you with personalised advice based on your medical history and current treatment plan. However, we can suggest some healthy mocktail ideas that are generally refreshing and can help keep you cool during the summer months. Remember to choose non-alcoholic options and avoid any ingredients that may interact with your medications.

    Here are a few ideas:

    Berry Blast Mocktail


    • 1 cup mixed berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries)
    • 1/2 cup sparkling water
    • 1 tablespoon lime juice
    • 1 teaspoon honey (optional)
    • Fresh mint leaves for garnish


    • Wash the mixed berries thoroughly and pat them dry.
    • Take a few berries of each kind and set them aside for garnish.
    • In a mixing glass or a sturdy bowl, add the remaining mixed berries, lime juice, and honey (if using).
    • Use a muddler or the back of a spoon to gently muddle and crush the berries, releasing their juices.
    • Fill a serving glass with ice cubes and transfer the muddled berry mixture into the glass. Pour sparkling water over the muddled berries until the glass is almost full.
    • Stir the mixture gently to combine the flavours.
    • Garnish the mocktail with the reserved berries and fresh mint leaves.

    Cucumber Lemon Refresher


    • 4-5 cucumber slices
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
    • 1 cup sparkling water
    • 2-3 fresh basil leaves
    • 1 teaspoon agave syrup (optional)
    • Ice cubes


    • In a cocktail shaker or a sturdy glass, add the cucumber slices, lemon juice, and fresh basil leaves.
    • Use a muddler or the back of a spoon to gently muddle the cucumber slices and basil leaves, releasing their flavours.
    • If you prefer a touch of sweetness, add agave syrup to the mixture and stir well. Fill a serving glass with ice cubes.
    • Strain the muddled mixture into the glass, ensuring that the cucumber and basil solids are left behind. Pour sparkling water into the glass, filling it almost to the top.
    • Stir gently to combine the flavours.
    • Garnish the Cucumber Lemon Refresher with a fresh cucumber slice. Serve chilled, and enjoy!

    Pineapple Coconut Mojito Mocktail


    • 1/2 cup pineapple juice
    • 1/4 cup coconut milk
    • 1 tablespoon lime juice
    • 1/2 cup sparkling water
    • Fresh mint leaves
    • Pineapple wedges for garnish
    • Ice cubes


    • In a shaker or mixing glass, combine pineapple juice, coconut milk, and lime juice. Add a few fresh mint leaves to the mixture.
    • Use a muddler or the back of a spoon to gently muddle the mint leaves, releasing their flavour. Fill a serving glass with ice cubes.
    • Strain the muddled mixture into the glass, ensuring that the mint leaves are left behind. Pour sparkling water into the glass, filling it almost to the top.
    • Stir gently to combine the flavours.
    • Garnish the Pineapple Coconut Mojito Mocktail with a pineapple wedge and a sprig of mint.

    Citrus Sunrise Mocktail


    • 1/2 cup orange juice
    • 1/4 cup grapefruit juice
    • 1/4 cup cranberry juice (unsweetened)
    • 1/2 cup sparkling water
    • Orange slices for garnish
    • Ice cubes


    • Fill a serving glass with ice cubes.
    • Pour the orange juice into the glass, filling it about halfway.
    • Slowly pour the grapefruit juice over the back of a spoon held just above the orange juice.
    • This will create a layered effect.
    • Pour the cranberry juice over the back of a spoon in the same way to create another layer.
    • Fill the rest of the glass with sparkling water.
    • Gently stir the layers together to combine the flavours.
    • Garnish the Citrus Sunrise Mocktail with a slice of orange.
    • Serve chilled, and enjoy!

    Note: Remember to adapt these recipes to suit your taste preferences, and if you have any specific dietary concerns or restrictions, consult with your healthcare provider or a nutritionist for personalized guidance. Enjoy your refreshing mocktails while staying cool this summer!

    Importance Of Healthy Drinks With Fertility Medication

    When undergoing fertility treatment and taking fertility medications, maintaining a healthy lifestyle becomes crucial, and that includes paying attention to the beverages you consume. Here are some reasons why it’s important to focus on healthy drinks while undergoing fertility treatment:

    Proper Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and wellbeing. It helps maintain the balance of bodily fluids, supports healthy circulation, and aids in the transportation of nutrients. Optimal hydration is especially important during fertility treatment as it can help support reproductive health.

    Nutrient Support: Certain healthy drinks, such as fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, and herbal teas, can provide a range of essential nutrients. These nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, play a vital role in supporting reproductive health and optimizing fertility.

    Antioxidant Protection: Fertility medications and treatments can create oxidative stress in the body, leading to the production of free radicals that can damage cells. Consuming beverages rich in antioxidants, such as green tea, berry juices, and citrus drinks, can help neutralize free radicals and protect reproductive cells from damage.

    Hormonal Balance: Hormonal balance is critical for successful fertility treatment. Some beverages, like herbal teas, can have hormone-balancing properties that may help support the natural hormonal processes involved in reproductive health. You can also consult to best doctor in best maternity hospital in Chandigarh or near you for hormonal imbalance.

    Reduced Caffeine Intake: Some fertility specialists recommend reducing caffeine intake during fertility treatment. Choosing healthy drink alternatives like herbal teas, infused water, or natural fruit juices can help lower caffeine consumption while still enjoying flavorful and refreshing beverages.

    Overall Wellbeing: Fertility treatment can be emotionally and physically demanding. Consuming healthy drinks can contribute to overall well-being, providing comfort, relaxation, and enjoyment during the process.

  • June 6, 2023

    When it comes to obesity, you might often relate it to illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. But did you know it has a hidden consequence that rarely gets talked about? Obesity can silently disturb the delicate mechanisms responsible for conceiving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy. In fact, it not only affects women but men also suffer through adverse fertility problems due to weight issues.

    Before we explore and dive more deeply into obesity’s ill effects on human fertilization, let’s briefly look at the common reasons for this problem. We’ll also discover some of the best fertility centres in Chandigarh and Mohali, to help you experience the bliss of starting a family!

    Obesity in the Modern Life – Conveniences vs. Health

    So, ever wondered why obesity has become so common? Our sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating choices, along with technological conveniences, have created an inactive way of living. At home or the workplace, we’re spending more time sitting and less time moving around. With all the stress and pressure in today’s world, it’s hard to maintain a healthy sleep cycle. Moreover, processed foods and sugary drinks have become a way of life that has seriously impacted the overall functioning of our bodies, including the reproductive system. If you also doubt that your (or your partner’s) weight is causing infertility/pregnancy problems, you can get further consultation on this. The medical professionals at one of the best fertility centres in Mohali & Chandigarh – Dr. Sodhi’s Health Care Multispecialty Hospital & IVF Centre, can readily assist you.

    What is The Relationship Between Weight and Fertility?

    For both men and women, a healthy BMI range is between 18.5 and 24.9. If your BMI is between 25 and 29, you’re considered overweight, and a BMI over 30 means you’re classified as obese. In such a condition, men may experience several health issues related to sexuality. Excess body fat can lead to reduced blood flow and damage to blood vessels, making it harder to achieve and maintain an erection. In this way, they may experience problems like erectile dysfunction or poor sperm count/quality. 

    Meanwhile in women, being obese can mess with hormone production, leading to irregular ovulation and decreased fertility. Even though women with obesity may still ovulate, the quality of their eggs may be lower. Research suggests that for women who ovulate, every unit increase in BMI above 29 decreases the chances of getting pregnant within a year by around 4%.

    How Does Obesity Affect Male Fertility?

    It’s not surprising to see both genders ask, “Does weight gain affect male fertility?”. Yes. Obesity can significantly impact male fertility due to hormonal imbalances. When there is excess body fat, testosterone (male hormone) can convert into estrogen (female hormone), resulting in lower and higher testosterone levels. This disruption in hormones negatively affects sperm production and function. Obese men often have lower sperm quality, including reduced count and abnormal shape. These issues make it harder for sperm to reach and fertilize an egg.

    A study by the Harvard School of Public Health discovered that obese men were 42% more likely to have a low sperm count and 81% more likely to produce no sperm compared to men with a healthy weight. Additionally, obesity increases oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, further harming reproductive ability. Unhealthy habits like poor diet and lack of exercise, common in obese individuals, also contribute to male infertility.

    How Does Obesity Affect Female Fertility?

    Now, the answer to, “Does obesity affect female fertility?” is also a yes. But how does obesity actually affect getting pregnant? Well, here are some possible reasons. The excess body fat in females can severely affect the natural hormonal balance needed for regular ovulation and menstrual cycles. This can result in irregular or missed periods, making it harder for women to get pregnant. Obesity is also linked to a condition called PCOS, which causes hormonal imbalances, enlarged ovaries with cysts, and infertility.

    In addition, obese women may face difficulties with fertility treatments and ovulation induction due to lower success rates. Moreover, obesity-related insulin resistance and inflammation can harm the quality of eggs and their ability to implant, making conception more challenging. 

    How Is Obesity A Risk Factor In Pregnancy Stages?

    Obese women have a higher chance of developing gestational diabetes, a condition that can lead to complications during pregnancy and delivery. Preeclampsia, another serious condition characterized by high blood pressure and organ damage, is also more common in obese women and can pose risks for both the mother and the baby. Cesarean birth rates are also higher among obese women.

    Additionally, obese women may encounter difficulties with reproductive technologies like IVF due to lower success rates and increased pregnancy complications. Furthermore, obesity is linked to a higher risk of birth defects and miscarriages.

    Getting Treatment at The Best Hospital for Infertility in Mohali & Chandigarh

    Facing challenges in conceiving a baby is a distressing experience that many people experience. But you can find a ray of hope and feel the joy of parenthood with proven medical treatments. Whether you’re struggling with infertility or seeking alternative options, the best fertility centre in Mohali & Chandigarh – Dr. Sodhi’s Health Care Multispecialty Hospital & IVF Centre, will look out for you. 

    With the expertise of 15+ years, we’ve helped numerous couples, in and around the Tricity, in overcoming fertility complications. We also have a team of experienced pediatricians for the obstetrics facility, they are available in the OPD for regular baby follow-up and vaccinations and are also on-call 24×7 for emergencies. A dedicated pediatrician is present for every delivery, ensuring comprehensive care for both mother and baby. 

    With hi-tech equipment and techniques, we offer a wide range of treatment options and facilities, such as:

  • May 26, 2023

    They say; laughter is one of the best medicines. Surely it is! It relieves stress, brings you to the moment, and uplifts you. Laughing during pregnancy is even more important.

    The mental and physical benefits of laughing benefit the mother and the baby. So, should you laugh loudly during pregnancy? Yes, laugh as long as you feel like doing it. Carrying a baby for 280 days or 40 weeks is a magical journey. And you deserve all the love, laughter, and care. 

    So, let’s look at all the benefits of laughing during pregnancy for you and your baby.

    How Laughing Affects Baby Development


    Here are some ways in which laughing in pregnancy benefits the baby:

    Boosts the Development of Baby

    According to the studies, hope and happiness positively affect the baby. It results in better prenatal care, which boosts the baby’s development. If you are around loved ones, are positive and have a pregnancy full of laughter, you are doing the best for your baby.

    Pregnancy is a roller coaster where you may feel energetic, happy, and cheerful on some days. But on some days, you feel low, fearful and tense. It’s okay to acknowledge the maternity moments and embrace joys and challenges. But gradually you can try to laugh a bit more to be happy.

    Creates a Bond With Mother

    Many studies have shown that foetuses respond to maternal voice, touch and laughter. It develops the bond with the mother in the womb. When you laugh, it gives a sense of joy to the baby. They recognize your voice, touch and can sense you. Therefore having a good time full of positivity is best for the mother and the baby.

    Strengthens Nervous System 

    Of course, a healthy diet and staying active are important for the baby’s overall development. But, if you are happy and laugh more, it triggers the generation of brain cells in that area. This makes the baby’s nervous system strong and intelligent.

    It Helps to Prevent Premature Delivery

    Preterm labour begins before 37 weeks of pregnancy. This can result due to many conditions. But, it’s been researched that happy mothers have fewer chances of preterm delivery. Good laughter and healthy pregnancy can help you manage the conditions which may lead to preterm labour. 

    Benefits of Laughing During Pregnancy for Women


    Here are some amazing benefits of laughing for pregnant women:

    It Helps to Manage Pregnancy Stress and Related Conditions

    There are lots of hormonal fluctuations during various stages of pregnancy. Also, you may feel anxious, stressed, fearful or tense from time to time. But a good laugh can help you manage it. If you are positive and laughing, you can make the signs of stress which also extends to postpartum time. 

    Manages Blood Pressure

    An elevated blood rate is common in pregnant women. But, with a good laugh and a happy atmosphere, you can manage it. Also, in a study, it was found that laughing during pregnancy helps to manage blood pressure. 

    So, laugh as much as you want and regulate the healthy blood pressure range. Of course, other factors control it, but it can help manage it a bit.

    Distracts the Mom from Pregnancy Symptoms

    You can distract from the pregnancy symptoms if you indulge in good laughs, happy moments, and lots of joy. A cheerful environment around you will help you easily pass the pregnancy stage.

    Just like you can satisfy your unhealthy food cravings with these healthy options. In the same way, you can distract yourself with a good laugh.

    Tips to Stay Happy and bring lots of Laughter


    A pregnancy full of laughter has many positive effects on the mother and baby. So, build a very happy atmosphere around you. When you feel low, you can take your time and talk to your loved ones. It’s very important to feel, acknowledge and deal with every feeling. To help you, here are some tips to gradually bring lots of laughter to you and your baby:

    • Be around the people you love.
    • You can watch some comedy and the shows that make you laugh the most.
    • Read comics.
    • Hang out with your friends. Quality time with buddies means lots of laughter and old memories.
    • You can also practise laughter yoga under the guidance of experts. A study says that it calms and distresses the mothers. Also, it leads to a lot of benefits for mother and baby.

    So, Keep laughing

    Pregnancy is surely the most special phase of any mother and couple. Everyone has individual symptoms and factors that set the course of their pregnancy. However, you can follow the essential tips for a healthy pregnancy to elevate your journey.

    The key is eating healthy, staying active, and being around your loved ones. Also, remember to stay in touch with your doctor and refer to expert advice for trying anything new. So, stay smiling and laughing during pregnancy.

  • laproscopy May 20, 2023

    Are you facing difficulty in conceiving even after trying successfully for more than 4 to 6 years?

    If yes, then you should visit the nearest maternity hospital in your area for a checkup. One of the reasons for not conceiving can be the presence of adhesions in the tubes. In this case, the doctor may recommend a laparoscopy.

    What is Laparoscopy?

    It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that has revolutionized the field of medicine. It’s numerous benefits and high success rates have become increasingly popular in various fertility centres. However, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding laparoscopy that need to be addressed.

    In this blog, we will debunk the top myths about laparoscopy and will share the real facts.

    #1 Myth: Laparoscopy is a risky procedure

    Fact: One of the most common misconceptions about laparoscopy is that it carries significant risks. But, the truth is that laparoscopy is considered a safe surgical procedure when performed by experienced surgeons or gynaecologists in a well-equipped facility. Also, the risks of complications, such as infection or bleeding, are relatively low compared to traditional open surgery. Choosing a reputable clinic or the best maternity hospital near you ensures the highest standards of safety and care.

    #2 Myth: Laparoscopy is only used for diagnostic purposes

    Fact: While laparoscopy is indeed a valuable diagnostic tool, it is also widely used for therapeutic purposes too. In gynaecology, laparoscopy allows doctors to treat various conditions, such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids, adhesions, and tubal blockages. Moreover, the surgeon can also visualize the patient’s internal organs to perform precise surgical interventions, including removal of abnormal tissue, cyst drainage, or tubal repair. So, laparoscopy is not limited to diagnosis alone.

    #3 Myth: Laparoscopy is a painful procedure

    Fact: Unlike traditional open surgery, laparoscopy involves making small incisions of about 1 cm, significantly reducing post-operative pain. Also, the small incisions result in less tissue damage, leading to faster recovery and minimal discomfort. Additionally, for laparoscopic procedures, doctors often use safe gas to create space, which might cause temporary shoulder pain due to gas pressure on the diaphragm. However, this discomfort is temporary and can be managed with prescribed medications.

    #4 Myth: Laparoscopy requires a longer hospital stay

    Fact: Another misconception is that laparoscopy requires an extended hospital stay. On the contrary, one of the advantages of laparoscopy is its shorter hospitalization period compared to open surgery. Most laparoscopic procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, allowing you to return home on the same day or within a day or two. The procedure’s minimal invasiveness promotes faster recovery, enabling patients to resume their daily activities sooner.

    #5 Myth: Laparoscopy leaves visible scars

    Fact: Laparoscopy involves making small incisions, usually less than a centimetre in size. These incisions are carefully placed in inconspicuous locations to minimize scarring. Over time, the scars fade and become barely noticeable. Compared to open surgery, where larger incisions are made, laparoscopy offers the advantage of reduced scarring and improved cosmetic outcomes.

    #6 Myth: Laparoscopy is only suitable for young patients

    Fact: Laparoscopy is a versatile surgical technique that can be performed on patients of various age groups. While it is commonly associated with fertility treatments in younger patients, laparoscopy can be equally beneficial for older patients. Age alone is not a determining factor for eligibility. The decision to undergo laparoscopy should be based on individual health conditions and the advice of a medical professional.

    #7 Myth: Laparoscopy increases the risk of complications during pregnancy

    Fact: Laparoscopy is generally considered safe during pregnancy when performed by experienced surgeons. However, doctor assess the risks and benefits on a case-by-case basis. In certain situations, such as emergency surgeries or high-risk pregnancies, laparoscopy may be avoided or modified to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby. Consulting with a specialist in a reputable maternity hospital like Dr Sodhi’s Health Care and IVF Centre can help provide the best guidance.

    #8 Myth: Laparoscopy always requires general anaesthesia

    Fact: While general anaesthesia is commonly used during laparoscopy, it is not the only option. Local anaesthesia with sedation may be employed in certain cases, depending on the procedure and the patient’s condition. Local anaesthesia reduces the risks associated with general anaesthesia and facilitates a quicker recovery. The choice of anaesthesia will be determined by the surgical team based on the patient’s needs and safety considerations.

    Final Words

    It is crucial to rely on accurate information and consult with experienced medical professionals like Dr. Lavleen Kaur Sodhi when considering laparoscopy. The best maternity hospital in Mohali can offer specialized care and guidance tailored to your needs. Laparoscopy remains a safe, effective, and patient-friendly approach that improves surgical outcomes and enhances your chances of conceiving.

  • May 12, 2023

    Pregnancy is a remarkable journey filled with a myriad of emotions, physical changes, and anticipation. From the moment a woman discovers she is expecting, a world of wonder opens up as she embarks on the incredible adventure of motherhood. Maternity moments, both big and small, shape this transformative experience, allowing expectant mothers to embrace the joys and challenges that come with carrying a precious life within. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of pregnancy, from the profound joys to the inevitable challenges, and discuss how women can navigate this remarkable time with grace, confidence, and self-care.

    The Joys of Pregnancy

    The joys of pregnancy are abundant, offering expectant mothers a unique sense of fulfillment and connection. From feeling the first fluttering movements of the baby to hearing the precious sound of their heartbeat during prenatal check-ups, each moment brings immense joy and wonder. The anticipation of meeting their little one and experiencing the indescribable bond that comes with motherhood fills expectant mothers with excitement and a deep sense of purpose. Maternity moments such as creating a nursery, shopping for baby essentials, and preparing for the arrival of a new family member add to the joyous anticipation of motherhood.

    Embracing the Physical Changes

    Pregnancy brings with it a myriad of physical changes as a woman’s body nurtures and nourishes the growing life within. While these changes can be challenging at times, embracing them with a positive mindset can lead to a deeper appreciation of the incredible journey. Maternity moments like feeling the baby’s kicks, watching the belly grow, and marveling at the body’s ability to create life can help expectant mothers celebrate their bodies and the miracles they are bringing into the world.

    Self-Care and Emotional Well-being

    Taking care of one’s emotional and mental well-being is crucial during pregnancy. Maternity moments can be an opportunity for expectant mothers to prioritize self-care practices that promote relaxation, reduce stress, and nurture emotional well-being. Engaging in activities such as prenatal yoga, meditation, journaling, and connecting with other expectant mothers in support groups can provide a sense of community and emotional support. Celebrating maternity moments through self-care allows women to embrace the challenges with resilience and maintain a positive mindset throughout their pregnancy journey.

    Navigating the Challenges

    While pregnancy is a beautiful experience, it is not without its challenges. From morning sickness and physical discomfort to hormonal changes and emotional ups and downs, expectant mothers face a range of hurdles. However, it is important to remember that these challenges are temporary and a part of the transformative process of becoming a mother. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals, maintaining open communication with loved ones, and practicing self-compassion are vital in navigating these challenges. Embracing maternity moments during difficult times, such as finding solace in quiet moments, sharing concerns with a supportive partner, and celebrating small victories, can provide a sense of strength and resilience.

    Building a Supportive Network

    Creating a strong support network is essential during pregnancy. Surrounding oneself with loved ones, understanding healthcare providers, and participating in childbirth education classes can help expectant mothers feel supported and informed. Maternity moments, like attending baby showers, prenatal classes, and bonding with other expectant mothers, offer opportunities to connect, share experiences, and gain valuable advice. Building a supportive network allows women to navigate the joys and challenges of pregnancy with a sense of camaraderie and reassurance.

    Preparing for Motherhood

    Pregnancy serves as a preparation period for the exciting journey of motherhood with best maternity hospital. Maternity moments such as attending parenting workshops, reading books on childcare, and planning for the postpartum period enable expectant mothers to gather knowledge and feel empowered as they step into their role as a mother. Taking the time to educate oneself, make informed decisions, and create a nurturing environment sets the foundation for a smooth transition into the joys and challenges of motherhood.

    Here are some essential tips to help you navigate this beautiful phase of life:

    1. Educate Yourself: Take the time to educate yourself about pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn care. Attend childbirth education classes, read books, and consult reliable online resources to gather information about the various stages of pregnancy, labor and delivery, breastfeeding, and newborn care. Knowledge will empower you and boost your confidence as you prepare for motherhood.
    2. Seek Prenatal Care: Schedule regular prenatal check-ups with a healthcare provider you trust. Prenatal care is crucial for monitoring your health and the well-being of your baby throughout pregnancy. Follow your healthcare provider’s advice, undergo recommended tests and screenings, and address any concerns or questions you may have.
    3. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle: Prioritize your health and well-being by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Stay physically active with exercises approved by your healthcare provider. Get enough rest and practice stress management techniques. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and drugs that can harm your baby’s development.
    4. Build a Supportive Network: Surround yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, and fellow mothers. Connect with other expectant mothers through prenatal classes, support groups, or online communities. Having a support system in place will provide emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of camaraderie during your journey into motherhood.
    5. Plan for Finances: Assess your financial situation and plan for the additional expenses that come with raising a child. Create a budget, review your insurance coverage, and consider saving for future needs such as medical expenses, childcare, and education. Research and understand the benefits and financial assistance available to new parents in your country or region.
    6. Prepare Your Home: Create a safe and nurturing environment for your baby by preparing your home in advance. Baby-proof your living spaces, set up the nursery with essential items such as a crib, changing table, and storage for baby supplies. Stock up on necessary supplies like diapers, baby clothes, and feeding essentials.
    7. Embrace Self-Care: Taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is crucial during this transformative time. Prioritize self-care activities that help you relax and recharge, such as practicing mindfulness, getting regular massages, enjoying a hobby, or spending quality time with loved ones. Remember that self-care is not selfish; it is essential for your overall well-being and your ability to care for your baby.
    8. Attend Parenting Classes: Consider enrolling in parenting classes or workshops that provide practical guidance on newborn care, breastfeeding, and infant CPR. These classes offer hands-on learning, expert advice, and an opportunity to connect with other parents-to-be. The knowledge and skills gained from these classes will boost your confidence in caring for your newborn.
    9. Communicate with Your Partner: If you have a partner, ensure open and honest communication throughout the pregnancy journey. Discuss your expectations, fears, and aspirations as parents. Involve your partner in prenatal appointments, decision-making processes, and preparations for the baby’s arrival. Building a strong partnership will provide mutual support and strengthen your bond as you embark on this new chapter together.
    10. Trust Your Instincts: Remember that every pregnancy and parenting journey is unique. Trust your instincts and have confidence in your ability to make decisions that are best for you and your baby. Seek advice and support when needed, but ultimately, trust yourself as you navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood.


    Maternity moments encompass the entire spectrum of emotions experienced during pregnancy, from overwhelming joy to occasional challenges. Embracing these moments with grace, self-care, and a supportive network can help expectant mothers navigate the remarkable journey of pregnancy. Each moment, whether big or small, contributes to the profound joy and fulfillment that comes with bringing a new life into the world. By cherishing these maternity moments, expectant mothers can create lasting memories and enter motherhood with a deep sense of love, strength, and gratitude.

  • mother's day gift May 6, 2023

    Mother’s Day is a special occasion to celebrate and honour the incredible mothers in our lives. If you have a pregnant woman in your life who will soon embark on the beautiful journey of motherhood, this Mother’s Day presents a unique opportunity to show your love and support. To help you choose the perfect gift, we have curated a list of thoughtful and meaningful gift ideas that will make her feel cherished and appreciated during this special time.

    Maternity Spa Day

    Treat the expectant mother to a day of relaxation and pampering at a maternity spa. Book her a prenatal massage, a facial, or a pedicure session designed to provide comfort and rejuvenation. This gift will help her unwind, relieve any pregnancy-related discomfort, and promote overall well-being.

    Pregnancy Journal

    Gift her a beautifully designed pregnancy journal where she can record her thoughts, feelings, and milestones throughout her pregnancy journey. This thoughtful gift will allow her to document memories, capture precious moments, and create a keepsake that she can cherish for years to come.

    Comfortable Maternity Clothing

    Pregnancy comes with physical changes and a growing belly, making comfortable clothing a necessity. Surprise her with a selection of stylish and comfortable maternity clothes that are designed to accommodate her changing body. Opt for soft fabrics, stretchable waistbands, and fashionable designs to help her feel confident and comfortable throughout her pregnancy.

    Pregnancy Pillow

    Help her get a good night’s sleep with a pregnancy pillow specially designed to support her growing belly and provide comfort during sleep. These pillows offer extra support to the back, hips, and legs, promoting better spinal alignment and reducing pregnancy discomfort. Choose a pillow that suits her sleeping preferences and provides the right level of support.

    Personalized Jewelry

    Consider gifting her a piece of personalized jewellery that celebrates her journey into motherhood. It could be a necklace, bracelet, or pendant engraved with her name, the baby’s name, or a special message. This sentimental gift will serve as a constant reminder of the love and joy she brings as a mother.

    Maternity Photoshoot

    Capture the beauty of her pregnancy with a professional maternity photoshoot. Book a session with a photographer who specializes in maternity photography, and create timeless memories of this special time in her life. The photographs will serve as a precious memento and can be shared with family and friends.

    Spa at Home

    Create a spa-like experience at home by curating a gift basket filled with self-care items. Include items such as scented candles, bath salts, body oils, and face masks. Add a cosy robe and slippers to complete the pampering package. This gift will allow her to indulge in relaxation and self-care at her convenience.

    Baby Essentials Kit

    Prepare her for the arrival of the baby by putting together a baby essentials kit. Include items such as onesies, blankets, diapers, wipes, baby lotion, and baby-friendly bath products. This practical gift will help her prepare for the baby’s arrival and demonstrate your support and thoughtfulness.

    Babymoon Getaway

    Plan a babymoon getaway for the expectant parents to enjoy some quality time together before the baby arrives. Choose a relaxing destination that offers comfortable accommodations, serene surroundings, and amenities suitable for expectant mothers. This getaway will allow them to relax, rejuvenate, and create lasting memories before their lives change with the arrival of their little one.

    Other Ways to Make Mommy Feel Special on Mother’s Day

    Supportive Gestures: Show your support and understanding by offering to help with household chores, running errands, or organizing a nursery. Taking some responsibilities off her shoulders allows her to focus on self-care and preparing for motherhood.

    Breakfast in Bed: Start her day with a delicious and nutritious breakfast served in bed. Prepare her favourite foods, such as fresh fruits, yogurt, whole grain toast, and a cup of herbal tea. This gesture will show her that you value and appreciate her, and it allows her to relax and enjoy a peaceful morning.

    Babymoon Getaway

    Plan a babymoon getaway to a peaceful and relaxing destination where she can unwind and spend quality time with her partner. Choose a location that offers comfortable accommodations, prenatal-friendly activities, and serene surroundings. This getaway allows her to rejuvenate and create lasting memories before the baby arrives.

    Remember, the most important aspect of making Mother’s Day special for a pregnant woman is to express your love, appreciation, and support for her journey into motherhood. Tailor the day to her preferences and needs, ensuring that she feels cherished and celebrated on this special occasion.

  • April 28, 2023

    Are you facing trouble in conceiving naturally? If yes, then you can give try to IVF, one of the advanced technology that may fulfill your dream of becoming a parent of your own children. However, for a smooth IVF journey, you must choose the best IVF centre and maternity hospital near you. 

    The IVF centre or IVF hospital is important to offer good care to you during the IVF process and pregnancy. 

    With the right tools, a brief plan, and your OBGYN’s care in a good maternity hospital, your IVF journey can be absolutely smooth. Their facilities can also offer good care to you and IVF babies while providing help with clinical training. 

    So, what to look for when choosing the best IVF centre in Chandigarh, Mohali, or nearby areas? Read through:

    Good Hospital Care

    One of the first things to see in a good IVF hospital is how well they care for the patients. Besides the regular machines and equipment, your maternity hospital should have emergency beds available. They should focus on treating patients with care and teaching them to recover/prevent any medical complications. You must also look for amenities and facilities that act as added support.

    We recommend you to research the hospital as per the healthcare quality they provide. Look for the online reviews thoroughly and select a hospital that has 5-star reviews. Make sure to read the comments and see if they are genuine or not. The better the quality of hospital care, the higher the likelihood of desired health outcomes, especially if you’re getting pregnant in your late 30s.


    Hygiene and sanitation are two important factors to consider when choosing the best maternity hospital in Tricity. When a maternity hospital is hygienic and clean, it retains its aesthetics and offers satisfaction to the patient. Also, a pregnant woman needs to stay away from infections or diseases, and hygiene is the only way to keep such spread at bay. 

    Meanwhile, make sure to look for other essentials like clean water, as it’s fundamental for a mother’s good health. That’s because dirty and stagnant water during pregnancy can lead to diseases like Malaria, Typhoid, Dysentery, and more. If it’s not managed properly, these diseases can lead to foetal death or miscarriages. So, always consider good WASH, as in Water Sanitation and Hygiene, in a maternity hospital. 

    Doctors and Healthcare Professionals

    Your pregnancy journey is incomplete without a good doctor’s assistance. That’s why always select a maternal hospital with a professional healthcare assistance team. If you have a gynaecologist of your own, then follow their instructions. However, if not, look for a maternity hospital where you can find the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh

    Make sure to quickly review the hospital booklets and check the qualifications of the gynaecologist. Always choose gynaecologists that have long-term experience in treating patients. Besides a personal gynaecologist, you must also check whether the hospital has a good gyno team in the emergency department. This will help you get immediate assistance when your regular gynaecologist is not available. 

    Hi-tech Laboratories and Technology

    While choosing the best maternity hospital in Chandigarh, look for the best laboratories, technologies, and technical assistance. That’s because a pregnant woman requires recurrent tests for consistent health monitoring. So, if you don’t choose a maternity hospital with hi-tech laboratories, you may have to go to other centres for the same. 

    Jot down all the maternal hospitals of your city in one place, and then compare them as per their medical assistance. Choose the one that has the best laboratory and technical assistance, so you wouldn’t have to run back and forth to multiple hospitals during emergencies.

    IVF Facilities

    Maternal hospitals should also have professional IVF facilities to help with fertility, child conception, and related procedures. These centres could be helpful for those who are conceiving through the IVF process. Make sure to select the hospitals with the best IVF centre in Chandigarh as per the reviews and research. Also, check for their success rate and select the ones with the highest IVF success rate of all time. 

    A good IVF clinic has a team of experienced professionals specialized in infertility treatments. As these treatments are expensive, you shouldn’t miss out on expert assistance on these procedures. Their professional assistance can guide you through the foods to avoid during IVF, diets, and myths for IVF treatment for a safe procedure.

    Insurance Coverage

    You must also choose a maternity hospital that comes under your insurance coverage. As there can be any clinical possibilities during pregnancy, you never know how much your bill is going to be. 

    If your delivery requires any extra procedure, your hospital bills could be more massive than you can imagine. In such cases, insurance coverage can be a lifesaver. So, make sure to select a maternity hospital that falls under the scope of your medical coverage.  

    Nearby Facilities and Services

    One of the most crucial things to consider near maternity hospitals are extra facilities like hotels, transports, pharmacy, etc. Rather, we suggest you look for housing options besides the maternity hospital. That’s because, during the last months of the pregnancy, you never know when you may need admission for delivery. 

    In such situations, if your guardian doesn’t get housing/accommodations nearby, it may take a lot of time and effort for them to travel. You may also face issues with regular checkups. Alternatively, you can look for hospitals that are near your location, so you can travel from your home whenever you want. 

    Meanwhile, check for the availability of other essentials like ATM machines, money transfer services, and banks near the maternity hospital. These are for situations when you may need money and, ofcourse, you cannot carry cash all the time.  

    To sum up, these were some of the things to look for when choosing a maternity hospital. Keep these things in consideration to have a smooth pregnancy journey.  

  • postpartum diet April 21, 2023

    Postpartum is the phase when both you and your baby need extra surveillance and consistent monitoring. That’s because, during this phase, you recover from the delivery process, and your child gets strong to live in this beautiful world. So, you must take good care of your health and eat a nutritious diet. 

    A postpartum diet must include balanced food like lean meats, fibre-rich items, low-fat dairy, vegetables, fruits, and more. Besides that, there are several other things to include in a healthy diet after giving birth. Here’s a quick overview:

    Keep Yourself Hydrated

    Hydration is one of the most crucial aspects during postpartum, especially for lactating mothers. That’s because lactating mothers are at high risk of dehydration. Also, hydration helps to deal with the regular body changes after childbirth. That’s why it’s not worth missing out on the same. 

    Water helps to transfer nutrients to the baby. It further helps the mother to absorb and transport vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients easily. So, it’s recommended to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day. 

    If not water, you can try other modes of hydration, like milk and fruit juices. While milk can be a great source of protein and calcium, pure fruit juice without any added colour, sugar or preservatives is packed with nutrients. You can choose either of them for your hydration. However, try to avoid drinks with caffeine or keep them in moderation.

    Eat Fish But Not High Mercury Ones

    Fishes are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and DHA, and you can definitely include them in your diet. However, stay clear of any high-mercury fish, as it can affect both you and your child’s health. When a lactating mother consumes mercury-rich fishes like mackerel, shark, swordfish and orange roughy, the mercury in them gets transferred to the breast milk. 

    In fact, it’s said that breast milk consists of about one-third of the mercury in the mother’s blood. This mercury then eventually gets transferred to the infant during breastfeeding and affects their brain/nervous system development.

    Instead of mercury-rich fish, you can try salmon, sardines, and lake trout. Not only are they low in mercury, but they are also quite rich in protein, vitamins B-12 and D, and more. 

    Avoid Alcohol During Postpartum

    You may know about the effects of alcohol during pregnancy, it’s the same for the postpartum period too. You shouldn’t drink alcohol after your delivery as it can decrease your milk production and reduce the breastfeeding duration. 

    Alcohol can stay inside the body for several hours. It can eventually transfer from the mother to the baby and affect their brain and spinal development. In fact, its excessive use in mothers can also disrupt the baby’s sleep pattern and overall development. 

    When the mother drinks alcohol, its concentration in her blood and breast milk is equal. This alcohol can enter the baby’s body during breastfeeding and can affect the baby’s sensitive brain, which is still in the developmental stage. So, drinking during postpartum is a big no-no! 

    However, you can start moderate alcohol consumption after the first six weeks of delivery. Make sure to consult your doctor before you include alcohol (in any form) in your diet.  

    Take Postnatal Vitamins

    Postpartum is like recovery after pregnancy, that’s why you should add essential multivitamins to your diet during this time period. Ask your doctor whether a postnatal vitamin while breastfeeding would be beneficial for you. Take vitamins that are rich in folate, Vitamin D, DHA, and iodine. 

    Your doctor may prescribe multivitamin during the breastfeeding period or beyond that, as required. If you’re not breastfeeding, it’s recommended to take postnatal vitamins until six weeks of postpartum. As postnatal vitamins can fill the dietary gaps for both you and your child, it isn’t worth missing out. However, do not self-medicate, and ask your gynaecologist about the vitamins.  

    Eat Protein and Iron rich Food.


    Postpartum requires a diet rich in both protein and iron. Not only does it help you during the childbirth process, but it also adds strength to your body. It can boost cell growth and keep your immune function intact. 

    The thumb rule is to add about 25 grams or five to seven servings of protein daily. However, it’s best to ask your dietitian and gynaecologist about the same. You can include food rich in protein, like seafood, eggs, soy-based products, beans, and lean meats. While you can consume protein through food, avoid taking supplements like shakes and powders.

    After postpartum, you can go iron-deficient due to anaemia. This may eventually lead to health implications like fatigue, lack of strength, and depressive symptoms. That’s why you should consume iron-rich food like chicken, fish, eggs, meat, fortified grains, etc. These foods can help in quick recovery and make up for blood loss during childbirth. 

    Meanwhile, avoid eating junk food and empty calories. You can satisfy your unhealthy cravings with healthy options

    Don’t Get Overwhelmed With Your Weight Loss.

    Pregnancy can make you gain a lot of weight. However, you shouldn’t go on any extreme diet immediately after your delivery. That’s because going on a vigorous diet can make you lose important nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. It can further reduce your body strength and contribute to fatigue.

    Instead, wait for about eight weeks and let your body recover. Then, you can start a healthy diet with safe postpartum exercise to shed those extra kilos. You may also lose some weight automatically after delivery due to the loss of retained fluids. Additionally, breastfeeding can contribute to postpartum weight loss too. So, let your body re-adjust to its pre-pregnancy mode for healthy weight loss. 

    These are some of the diet tips you can try for your postpartum period. Try out these steps for a healthy, happening, and safe postpartum. 

  • healthy pregnancy April 13, 2023

    Pregnancy is an extraordinary time in a woman’s life that brings with it joy, anticipation, and a deep sense of responsibility. Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being is crucial for a healthy pregnancy and the well-being of your baby. In this article, we will explore nine essential tips that can help you maintain a healthy and happy pregnancy journey.

    Eat a Balanced and Nutritious Diet

    During pregnancy, it is essential to nourish your body with a well-balanced and nutritious diet. Focus on consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Include foods rich in folic acid, iron, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid processed foods, excessive sugar, and foods that may pose a risk of foodborne illnesses.

    food to avoid during IVF

    Stay Hydrated

    Proper hydration is crucial for a healthy pregnancy. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help maintain amniotic fluid levels, aid digestion, prevent constipation, and support overall well-being. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water daily, and listen to your body’s thirst cues.

    Take Prenatal Vitamins

    Prenatal vitamins play a vital role in supporting your nutritional needs during pregnancy. They help fill any gaps in your diet and ensure adequate intake of essential nutrients like folic acid, iron, and calcium. Consult your healthcare provider for a suitable prenatal vitamin recommendation and take them as prescribed.

    Proper Medical Care

    During pregnancy, proper medical care is crucial to monitor the health of both the mother and the baby. Choosing the best IVF center in Mohali and the best maternity hospital in Chandigarh is the first step towards receiving excellent prenatal care. These institutions offer a range of services, including routine check-ups, ultrasound scans, and specialized care tailored to your unique needs.

    Exercise Regularly

    With your healthcare provider’s approval, engaging in regular exercise can benefit both you and your baby. Exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, improves circulation, boosts mood, and prepares your body for labor. Opt for low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, prenatal yoga, or aerobics classes designed for pregnant women.

    Prioritize Sleep and Rest

    Adequate rest and sleep are crucial during pregnancy. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Use supportive pillows to find comfortable sleeping positions. Listen to your body’s cues and take breaks when needed during the day. Proper rest helps manage fatigue, promotes physical and emotional well-being, and supports the baby’s development.

    Attend Regular Prenatal Check-ups

    Regular prenatal check-ups are essential for monitoring your health and your baby’s well-being. Attend all scheduled appointments with your healthcare provider, and follow their recommendations for tests, screenings, and vaccinations. These check-ups allow for early detection of potential complications and ensure appropriate medical care throughout pregnancy.

    Manage Stress and Seek Support

    Pregnancy can be accompanied by various emotions and stress. It is important to manage stress and seek support when needed. Engage in activities that help you relax, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or prenatal yoga. Seek support from your partner, family, and friends. Consider joining prenatal support groups or talking to a counselor or therapist experienced in pregnancy-related concerns.

    Educate Yourself and Attend Prenatal Classes

    Empower yourself with knowledge about pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn care. Attend prenatal classes offered by healthcare providers or community centers. These classes provide valuable information about labor, breathing techniques, breastfeeding, and postpartum care. They also offer an opportunity to connect with other expectant parents and build a support network.

    Practice Self-Care

    Taking care of your emotional and physical well-being is vital during pregnancy. Practice self-care by indulging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Read books, listen to calming music, take warm baths, pamper yourself with prenatal massages, or engage in hobbies that help you unwind. Prioritizing self-care nurtures your overall well-being and prepares you for the journey of motherhood.

    Final Words

    Ultimately, a healthy pregnancy requires a holistic approach that addresses your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Embrace this special time, listen to your body’s needs, and trust your instincts. With proper care and nurturing, you are on the path to a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy journey.

    Remember, the content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance based on your circumstances. If you live in Chandigarh, then find the best maternity hospital in Chandigarh or Mohali for your happy pregnancy. You can also opt for Dr. Sodhi’s Healthcare for normal delivery and for high-risk pregnancy. Dr. Lavleen Kaur Sodhi has been running this maternity hospital and IVF centre in Mohali since 2007. She is an experienced gynaecology in Tricity and offers the best fertility treatments in the area.

  • April 6, 2023

    Every expecting mother dreams of having a safe and sound delivery process. Although many factors contribute to this vision. But one of the most important things that take you a step closer is identifying the best maternity hospital in Mohali. Are you also in this phase of your maternity planning? If so, here are some pro tips to smoothen this process. 

    Start with the Basics

    Let’s start the process with the basics. For instance, insurance, distance, condition of the road, etc. First of all, tick the best hospitals in maternity in Tricity that accept your insurance. Talk to your insurance provider for admission coverage as well. 

    Moreover, check the distance of the hospital from your home. Also, consider its distance from your and your partner’s offices. Pick the right hospital that accepts your insurance plan and is located at a reachable distance from you.  

    High-Risk OB Services

    Some factors may lead to a high-risk pregnancy. For instance, being underweight or overweight, getting pregnant after 35, having multiple babies, etc. Some medical conditions like blood pressure, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and cancer can also increase the chances of having high-risk pregnancies

    So, consider going for a hospital that offers high-risk OB services. It can help you manage the above-mentioned and other unexpected circumstances better. You should make a personal visit to the hospital and meet the gynecologist to understand about their OB services. You can also meet the staff to understand how experienced and well-equipped they are to handle high-risk births and prevent potential complications. 

    Hospital Reputation

    You have checked the basics and high-risk OB services of the top maternity hospitals of Mohali on your list. Great. It’s now time to check the reputation of these hospitals. And the best way to do that is by visiting their websites and reading the patient reviews. 

    Websites will help you learn the qualifications of the doctors and surgeons and the pre and post-natal facilities offered by the hospital. On the other hand, reviews will give you real-time exposure to the actual experiences of the mothers who delivered their babies there. This simple tip will take you a step closer to identifying the top motherhood hospital in Mohali. 

    Facilities like NICU and Adult ICU

    In the majority of cases, doctors don’t feel the need to keep the baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). But ensuring that your maternity hospital is prepared for any last-minute emergency is still crucial. 

    A well-equipped NICU and an adult ICU can help ensure the 100% well-being of the mother and the child. You can get all the relevant details from the hospital’s helpdesk. If you live in Chandigarh or a nearby area, then you can visit Dr Sodhi’s Healthcare Multispeciality Hospital for pregnancy. It is one of the best maternity hospitals in Mohali and Chandigarh, with top-class NICU facilities.

    Check Vaginal Vs. C-Section Delivery Rate

    Are you looking for the best maternity hospital in Mohali for normal delivery? You see, every expecting mother prefers a normal vaginal delivery. But, at times, some last-minute complications can compel the doctor to perform a C-section. This decision varies from patient to patient. However, C-section deliveries include additional risks like blood clots, infection, reaction to anesthesia, or even bleeding. 

    Therefore, checking the rate of C-section deliveries in your list of hospitals is crucial. If you find a hospital where C-section deliveries exceed vaginal deliveries, your chances of having one also increase. What should you do in such a case? You can talk to the doctor and discuss your chances of having a normal delivery. Or you may move on to check this rate with the other hospitals. 

    Check Maternity Accommodation

    Expecting mothers have to spend some days and nights in their maternity hospital, pre and post-delivery. It calls for the need to check the maternity accommodation offered by a hospital. Here are the top things to keep in mind in this process:

    • Check the range of accommodation options you will get. For instance, private rooms, dual sharing rooms, or general wards. 
    • Compare their prices and make a wise decision. 
    • Also, check if the hospital allows or provides accommodation for the attendants. For example, some hospitals offer rollaway beds, while some may allow bringing inflatable mattresses inside the rooms. 
    • You should also check other amenities like washrooms, TV, breastfeeding classes, easy and safe postpartum exercise classes, etc. It will help ensure complete rest for new mothers. 
    • Apart from this, check if the hospital allots a nurse to care for the mother and newborn. 
    • Last but not least, visit the cafeteria. Check if it offers 24*7 services and can customize orders. Ask the hospital authorities if homemade food is allowed inside hospital premises.

    24 Hours Services

    Pregnancy is a crucial and unpredictable time. Sudden labour pains, cramps, bleeding, or water discharge are some emergencies that need immediate medical attention. Therefore, selecting a maternity hospital that offers 24-hour emergency services is crucial. 

    In addition, check if an on-call gynecologist or pediatrician is available at the hospital. Also, understand the stand-by time a doctor takes to attend the emergency cases. 

    And That’s a Wrap!

    So, it was all about selecting the best IVF centre in Chandigarh or tricity. You see, delivering a child is a crucial process. Therefore, you should not leave any stone unturned to make this experience safe and pleasant for you and your loved ones. Speak to your friends, meet doctors, visit hospitals, and take every possible step to make this journey comfortable and memorable. 

  • ovarian cyst March 30, 2023

    The ovarian cyst is a common health condition in which one often experiences little to no discomfort at all. Thankfully these cysts are not harmful. Moreover, within a few months, most cysts disappear without therapy. 

    Yet, taking this condition lightly is not recommended. Consulting the best gynecologist in Chandigarh and undergoing regular pelvic examinations can help safeguard your health. Keep reading; as we shed light on ovarian cysts’ types, causes, and symptoms in this post. 

    What is Ovarian Cyst?

    Ovarian cysts are small blisters filled with fluid. They usually develop in one of the two ovaries. Most ovarian cysts happen due to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. They settle down naturally over time. However, you should still consult the best gynecologist in Mohali to monitor their size and growth. 

    Types of Ovarian Cysts?

    There are different types of cysts in ovaries. Let us have a look at them:

    Functional Cysts

    They are the most common ovarian cysts that are usually not harmful. Also known as simple cysts, functional cysts develop during the ovulation cycle. They usually shrink within 60 days without any treatment. However, you should seek your doctor’s opinion in this regard. Functional cysts are of two types –  Follicular cysts and Corpus Luteum cysts.

    1. Follicular Cysts – An egg sometimes breaks off from its follicle midway through the menstrual cycle. After that, the egg descends into a fallopian tube. When the follicle doesn’t break, a follicular cyst forms. It keeps its egg inside and grows instead of releasing it. 
    2. Corpus Luteum Cysts – When a follicle contracts after releasing its egg and starts to make estrogen and progesterone. These hormones help in the conception process. At times, the egg’s original entrance can occasionally become blocked. It leads to fluid collection in the corpus luteum. Over time, it turns into a corpus luteum cyst. 

    Other Cysts

    Not every ovarian cyst is formed in response to the menstrual cycle. Although these cysts aren’t always harmful, you should get them checked with the top gynecologist in Mohali. Here are their types:

    • Cystadenomas – These cysts develop on the surface of the ovary. Moreover, they are filled with mucus-like, thick fluid. 
    • Teratomas (Dermoid Cysts) – Teratomas cysts are formed of cells that make different types of tissues in our body. For instance, cells of teeth, skin, hair, and brain. 
    • Endometriomas – This type of cyst is made with endometrial tissues. It is the same tissue that women bleed during periods. 
    • Ovarian Cancer Cysts – These cysts or tumors comprise solid masses of cancerous cells. Doctors usually recommend ovarian cyst surgery in this case. 

    Causes of Ovarian Cysts

    What causes an ovarian cyst? According to the top gynecologist in Chandigarh, here are the top causes of ovarian cyst:

    • Abnormal Cell Reproduction – Unusual cell reproduction is one of the major causes of ovarian cysts. It leads to the formation of Cystadenomas and dermoid cysts. 
    • Endometriosis – It is a condition where the endometrium, the tissue that lines the womb, develops in other organs. For instance, in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, intestine, vagina, or rectum. It leads to the development of blood-filled cysts in ovaries. This condition is also known as PCOS – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    • PID – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is a pelvic infection that spreads to the ovaries, leading to cyst formations. 

    Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts

    Although most cases are asymptomatic, large or severe ovarian cysts show the following symptoms:

    • Pelvic Pain – What is the ovarian cyst pain location? The pain will start below the belly button extending to either side of the body. You may experience occasional pelvic pain spells. They will go on their own without any medication. The intensity can be in the range of mild to excruciating.
    • Heaviness – A constant feeling of heaviness or pressure in the abdomen or belly can also indicate the presence of ovarian cysts. 
    • Bloating – Sometimes, ovarian cysts make your lower belly feel bloated or puffy. It usually happens on the side where the cyst is located. Moreover, you can also feel puffiness in this area. 

    When Should you See a Doctor?

    Consult the best doctor in Mohali on experiencing these symptoms. Moreover, if you reside in Chandigarh, here are the tips to find the best gynecologist in Chandigarh.

    • Severe, sudden, and continuous pelvic or abdominal pain.
    • High fever coupled with vomiting or nausea
    • Signs of shock. For instance, rapid breathing, clammy skin, chills, weakness, or light-headedness. 

    Who is at Risk?

    Ideally, any woman with ovaries is vulnerable to developing cysts in ovaries. However, the likelihood increases with these factors:

    • Age – Women in their reproductive age and yet to attain menopause are at a higher risk of developing ovarian cysts. 
    • Family History – You are also at a higher risk of having cysts in ovaries if you have a family history of it. 
    • Previous Case – Ovarian cysts tend to recur over time. So, if you had it in the past, the chances of its relapse are higher. 
    • Pregnancy Status – Many women also develop ovarian cysts during pregnancy. Moreover, if you are planning a pregnancy in your late 30s, consult your doctor to know how to prevent the formation of ovarian cysts. 
    • Current Health Conditions – Women with hormone problems, endometriosis, etc., are at a higher risk of getting cysts in ovaries.

    What size of Ovarian Cyst is Dangerous?

    According to the top doctors in Mohali, ovarian cysts that size 5 cm to 10 cm usually need medical attention. The situation should be carefully monitored in women of reproductive age because these cysts can mutate into corpus luteum cysts and polycystic ovaries. However, the cysts’ size cannot predict whether it is benign or cancerous. 

    Summing Up!

    The ovarian cyst is a very common health condition that is usually not harmful. Although there are no tried and tested ways to prevent the occurrence of ovarian cysts, regular pelvic screenings help diagnose abnormalities faster. 

    You should keep a check on your menstrual cycle. Besides, any abnormal or uncalled-for symptoms should be discussed with the doctor immediately. Consulting the best gynecologist in Mohali to learn about the right ovarian cyst treatment for you. 


For any concerns related to reproductive organs and female complications, you can get your appointment by contacting our number: 8146677366/8146677363/0172-2218044. For any queries, you can also visit Dr Sodhi’s Health Care Multispecialty Hospital & IVF Centre at 1524, S.A.S Nagar, Sector-69 Mohali, Punjab, without any hesitation.

Our other centre: “Dr Sodhi's Health Care Diagnostic Cardiology Centre”