
  • male fertility diet March 25, 2023

    Infertility is a common problem that affects both men and women worldwide. In fact, in India alone, around 10 to 14% of couples get affected by infertility. Its prevalence has made it tough for many couples to start a new family. 

    Now, there can be many reasons behind infertility in couples. However, in men, the most common causes include low sperm production, any blockages that inhibit sperm delivery, or abnormal sperm function. Some other causes can be injuries, chronic diseases, or even lifestyle choices.

    Fortunately, there are ways to increase sperm count. And that’s by increasing your activity level, modifying your diet and reducing stress. If you’re wondering about foods to add to your diet for increased sperm count, then here are the ones you must add:

    Note: These food options are not any replacement for your medicines and treatment. Before adding anything to your diet, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional. You must find the best gynaecologist to help you with the overall infertility treatment.

    Fruits and Vegetables

    There’s no doubt that fruits and vegetables are extremely important to live a healthy life. However, their role in increasing sperm count is just as crucial. There are several fruits that are rich in essential vitamins, natural antioxidants, and folate that may act as a supportive element in your male fertility diet. 

    Guava, for example, is a rich source of Vitamin C and antioxidants that can help to increase sperm motility and morphology. It can also improve sperm count and reduce deformed sperm cells. Similarly, Bell peppers, which are rich in Vitamin C, E, B6, and folate, contribute to healthy sperm parameters like sperm count and motility.

    There are several other fruits and vegetables that are important for a male fertility diet like:  

    • Bananas
    • Blueberries
    • Avocados
    • Tomatoes
    • Pomegranates
    • Orange
    • Kiwi
    • Strawberries
    • Mango
    • Asparagus
    • Carrots 
    • Spinach and other green leafy vegetables 

    As these fruits and vegetables are rich in essential nutrients, they are ideal for keeping the sperm free from chromosomal abnormalities. You can call them superfoods that increase sperm volume and add them to your diet. 


    When it comes to Indian food to increase sperm count, walnuts top the list for their protein and healthy fats. Walnuts can significantly increase sperm motility and morphology, thereby contributing to a successful pregnancy in a couple.

    Not just that, the healthy fats in the walnut can produce cell membranes for sperm cells and increase the blood supply to the testicles. All in all, these functions can contribute to good male fertility and reduce toxins in the bloodstream. You can consume a small bowl or 2.5 ounces of walnut for better sperm vitality.

    Dark Chocolate 

    Dark chocolate is one of the most significant foods to help with both male and female infertility, as it’s rich in antioxidants, fibre, iron, and other nutrients. It helps with hormonal balance and ensures good integrity of sperm and female eggs. Additionally, dark chocolate helps to improve sperm count for men. That’s due to the presence of L- Arginine, a type of enzyme, within the same.

    Note that the darker the chocolate is, the better for your fertility diet. So, it’s recommended to consume 85% bittersweet dark chocolate for the best results. You can consume a small square or two of dark chocolate to get the benefits for your fertility issues. 


    Garlic is one of the superfoods to increase male fertility and ensure good blood flow in the body. It boosts sperm production and improves testosterone levels thanks to its antioxidant properties. The best thing about garlic is that it’s rich in selenium and Vitamin B6, both of which are responsible for producing healthy sperm. 

    You may consume about 1 to 2 cloves of garlic for two months. It can significantly increase the sperm in the semen and improve your physical strength. You can also add crushed garlic to salads or make honey-garlic tea as a fertility drink.


    Fatty fish is one of the common Indian foods to increase sperm count and help with fertility. As fishes are high in omega-3 fatty acids, they can help to increase the overall sperm health of men. It can be consumed as an alternative to red or processed meat for a healthy option in the diet. 

    Now when it comes to fish varieties that can contribute to fertility, you can try out options like salmon and sardines. Both of these varieties are rich in Vitamin B12, arginine, and aspartic acid, all of which are responsible for better sperm count and motility. 

    Omega-3 fatty acid is also responsible for increasing blood flow in the genitals. It can further help you to stay active during intercourse and have a healthy sex life.

    Besides fish, you can try fish oil supplements. It can ensure higher sperm count and increased hormone levels for better fertility. 


    Oysters are a rich source of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Zinc, and Selenium. All these nutrients help to increase sperm count and ensure good motility. In fact, oysters are commonly called aphrodisiacs. This means it stimulates sexual desire and boosts sexual performance in men. As Oysters contain Vitamin B12, it also supports adequate sperm development. 

    If you aren’t fond of the oyster’s taste, you can try other food that’s rich in zinc, like poultry meat, beef, eggs, beans, grains, etc. You can make curries with these options for Indian food to increase sperm count.

    What Foods Help in Fast Production of Sperm?

    To pace up your sperm production, you can try out some super food as follows:

    • Indian Gooseberries
    • Liver
    • Tomatoes
    • Brazil nuts
    • Pomegranates

    Meanwhile, you should stay away from fried foods and soy products to increase your sperm count. Also, limit alcohol consumption to moderate levels, so you can see faster effects. You must also satisfy your unhealthy food cravings with healthy options

    To Conclude

    So these were some of the foods to increase male fertility. You can add these food options to your diet and improve your sperm count. Make sure to follow a healthy lifestyle along with a good diet, and you may see the difference soon.

  • postpartum stress March 22, 2023

    The feeling of holding the apple of your eye for the first time is beyond words. It is one of the most joyous and significant life occurrences for a new mom who eagerly awaits this moment. However, even though having a new infant can be exciting and rewarding, there are also times when it can be challenging and stressful. 

    This phase is called postpartum depression or baby blues. It is a mild sadness or loneliness episode that can last a few days or a week. The guidance of the best gynaecologist in Mohali and the support of your loved ones can immensely help during this time. In the meanwhile, here are some ways to handle Postpartum depression

    Is Postpartum Depression or Anxiety Real?

    Postpartum stress or depression is a common condition that may develop after having a child. It usually begins to affect within the first three weeks of the delivery. Women who undergo this condition might feel hopeless, sad, depressed, or guilty for not caring enough for their infant. 

    Moreover, second-time mothers can also suffer from postpartum depression. The good news is that this condition is completely manageable under the consultation of the top gynaecologist in Chandigarh. Their expertise and experience can help mothers cope with postpartum stress or anxiety. 

    Symptoms of Postpartum Mental Issues

    According to the top gynaecologist in Mohali, the common symptoms indicate the presence of postpartum mental issues in a new mother. 

    • Irritability, anger, or restlessness
    • Sadness or a sudden feeling of crying 
    • Guilt or worthlessness
    • Over-concerned about the safety of the infant
    • No or little energy
    • Fear of hurting the baby 
    • Unhealthy eating habits
    • Chest pain, headache, rapid heartbeat, or tingling sensation in feet or hands
    • Irregular sleeping patterns
    • Trouble recalling things or making decisions
    • Not feeling like doing any activity whole day

    Ways To Handle Postpartum Depression

    Here are some useful tips to help you overcome postpartum mental issues.

    Maintaining a Healthy Diet

    Research studies reveal that what you eat significantly impacts your emotional health. So, consuming nutritious food can help improve your mood and make you happy. For instance, you can consume fermented foods like probiotics and yoghurt. Moreover, bananas, oats, berries, nuts and seeds, beans and lentils, and coffee can also help supply relevant vitamins and minerals to the body. Avoid eating processed or junk food. Instead, you can satisfy your unhealthy food cravings with these healthy options

    Get Some “Me Time”

    You might feel confined to nursing on the sofa. Your workload, household duties, or those of your older kids can also make you feel overburdened. Don’t try to handle these pressures alone; ask for assistance. For example, say yes to your family members’ offer of complimentary child care. Moreover, allow your partner or another responsible adult to watch the child for an hour or two. 

    Setting aside time each week for “me time” could be beneficial. You can use this opportunity to unwind, even if you can only leave the house between nursing sessions. Take a walk, nap, do some easy and safe postpartum exercises, watch a video, or meditate. Experts call it one of the best ways to handle postpartum depression.

    It’s Okay to Rest

    New mothers often suffer from the guilt of resting or sleeping while the baby is awake. Are you also one of them? If so, please get yourself out of it as soon as possible. Do you know that the chances of postpartum depression are 3.34 times higher in women with poor sleep quality than others? It applies to mothers who sleep less than four hours at night. 

    Infants usually do not sleep through the night when they are young. Therefore, you might find it beneficial to rest or get to bed early when the baby sleeps. Moreover, if breastfeeding, think about pumping a bottle so your partner can handle one or two overnight feedings. 


    Avoid Isolation

    The days might pass quickly, leaving you occasionally feeling alone. However, a Canadian Journal of Psychiatry study reveals that sharing emotions can improve mood and keep postpartum issues at bay. After frequently speaking with seasoned mothers who had previously experienced postpartum anxiety and depression, researchers found that women had lower levels of depression. 

    This finding proves that the power of social interaction cannot be denied. So, try to get out and ask moms and other adults for help. You can also join online forums and social platforms to keep yourself busy and away from isolation. 

    Create a Support Network

    Sometimes, you are uncomfortable sharing your feelings with your family and friends. Creating a support network can help you immensely during this time. Many online and offline platforms can help you while you suffer from postpartum mental issues. For instance:

    • Call the official postpartum depression hotline numbers for help.
    • Join online forums to share what you are going through.
    • Call your healthcare provider, gynaecologist, or obstetrician for guidance.
    • Contact the healthcare services of your community.
    • Chat online with other mothers on issues like postpartum depression, etc. 
    • Reach out to other local support groups for assistance. 

    It is one of the best ways to handle postpartum depression.

    Who is at Risk?

    Although postpartum depression can happen to anyone, some factors make you more prone to this condition. Make sure you share all the symptoms with your gynaecologist in such cases. 

    • Having a family history of postpartum stress or depression
    • Relationship or marital conflict
    • Limited or no social support
    • Uncertainty about the pregnancy
    • Premature birth or ailments in the infant
    • Mothers younger than 20 are usually at a higher risk of postpartum depression.
    • Infants with special needs

    Bottom Line

    Postpartum mental issues usually go away within six to seven months, depending on diet, sleep, and lifestyle habits. However, if you experience spells of confusion, disorientation, or compulsive thoughts, call the best gynaecologist in Mohali immediately. 

    You can effectively overcome these symptoms with the right medication and lifestyle changes. Last but not least, please understand that it is just a phase which shall pass soon. So concentrate on your mental well-being, indulge in creative activities, and cherish these moments with your baby. 

  • high risk pregnancy March 18, 2023

    A high-risk pregnancy does not always mean your pregnancy will be more challenging than a low-risk one. However, it may sometimes mean you must consult the top gynaecologist in Mohali for more detailed and frequent monitoring. 

    Whether this is your first or third pregnancy, hearing your doctor describe your pregnancy as high-risk can be frightening. However, “high-risk pregnancy” refers to a broad range of common pre-existential conditions you had before conceiving. Keep reading on to get all the facts about a high-risk pregnancy. 

    Causes of High-Risk Pregnancy?

    According to an experienced gynaecologist in Mohali, here are the top causes of high-risk pregnancy that you should know about:

    • Age – Age can be vital in determining whether the pregnancy is high-risk. According to doctors, women under 17 or older than 35 are at a higher risk of having a high-risk pregnancy. Pregnancy during this age can lead to low birth weight, premature birth, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and caesarean birth. Consult the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh to know more about the High-risk pregnancy age.
    • Weight – Women underweight or overweight during conception have a higher probability of high-risk pregnancy. An experienced gynaecologist can help you understand how to manage a healthy body weight. 
    • Health Conditions – Certain health conditions also make women vulnerable to having a high-risk pregnancy. For instance, high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, thyroid, asthma, epilepsy, heart disorders, etc.
    • Multiples – Compared to twin and singleton pregnancies, triplet pregnancies have a greater risk of foetal and maternal morbidity and complications. 
    • Past Conditions – Women with severe issues during their previous pregnancies are also vulnerable to high-risk pregnancies. For instance, pregnancies like premature delivery or genetic defects in the infant. 
    • Other Causes – Substance abuse, smoking, and alcohol can also increase your chances of high-risk pregnancy. Meet the top gynaecologist in Mohali to get the list of high-risk pregnancy conditions. It can immensely help!

    Working with the top gynaecologist in the city is crucial to managing current and probable health issues if your pregnancy is labelled high-risk. 

    When to See the Doctor?

    Best Gynaecologist in Chandigarh

    Experienced gynaecologists in Chandigarh can help manage your high-risk pregnancy effectively. First, however, here are some high-risk pregnancy symptoms you must immediately bring to your doctor’s attention. if you live in Chandigarh or nearby areas, then you can visit Dr. Lavleen Kaurd Sodhi, she is expert in high-risk pregnancies and runs the best maternity hospital in tricity.

    • Watery vaginal discharge
    • Vaginal bleeding
    • Cramping or pain in the lower abdomen
    • Severe headaches
    • Chills or fever
    • Low fetal activity
    • Burning sensation or pain while urinating
    • Change in vision
    • Severe, sudden swelling in hands, fingers, and face
    • Persistent nausea or vomiting
    • Dizziness
    • Thoughts of harming the baby or yourself

    How can you Promote a Healthy Pregnancy?

    Stick to the fundamentals whether you know you’ll have a high-risk pregnancy or merely want to do everything possible to avoid one. For instance: 

    • Take a Preconception Appointment – Consult your doctor if you plan to getting pregnant in your late 30s. Before getting pregnant, your doctor can advise you to take a daily prenatal supplement with folic acid. Moreover, try to maintain a healthy weight before you get pregnant. If you are undergoing treatment for any condition, your gynaecologist can customise your high-risk pregnancy treatment accordingly. Your doctor may also discuss the risks of having a child with genetic disorders. 
    • Regular Prenatal Care – Prenatal visits are crucial as it helps the doctor to diagnose your and your child’s health. Your gynaecologist may also refer you to a maternal-fetal medicine or genetics expert for a detailed screening. 
    • Avoid Risky Substances – Quitting consumption of illegal drugs, smoking, and alcohol can be one of the best things you can do for your high-risk pregnancy. Moreover, you can anytime go for counselling to manage your withdrawal symptoms. Apart from this, disclose all the medications and supplements you are currently taking to help your gynaecologist identify your most effective treatment plan. 
    • Stay away from Infections – Some basic hygiene habits can help significantly manage high-risk pregnancies. For instance, avoid eating uncovered and street-side food or washing hands frequently. Eating raw vegetables, undercooked meat, and shellfish can also make you vulnerable to Toxoplasma gondii. Consider getting immunisations if your gynaecologist recommends it. 

    High-Risk Pregnancy Diagnosis

    Receiving thorough prenatal treatment at an early stage is essential. It is the greatest way to identify and treat a high-risk pregnancy. In addition, such pregnancies may require additional monitoring throughout your pregnancy. Here are some tests to ascertain if the pregnancy is high-risk:

    • Targeted or Specialised Ultrasound – Gyneacologists sometimes recommend a specialised or targeted ultrasound. It is an imaging technology that uses high-frequency sound waves to develop images of the unborn baby. It helps in identifying suspected developmental issues.
    • Prenatal Cell-Free DNA (cfDNA) Screening – In this process, DNA from the mother and the foetus is taken from a sample of the mother’s blood. The foetal DNA is then checked for the increased likelihood of particular chromosome issues.
    • Invasive Genetic Screening – Your doctor may advise chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis. Your doctor will conduct an amniocentesis procedure here. The sample of the amniotic fluid, which surrounds and shields a developing infant during pregnancy, is taken from the uterus. This screening is usually performed after week 15 of pregnancy. It can effectively diagnose severe brain or spinal cord issues and specific genetic conditions (neural tube defects). 
    • Ultrasound for Cervical Length – Your doctor can prescribe this ultrasound to measure your cervix’s length. It is a great way to check if you are at risk of having preterm labour. 
    • Lab Tests – Regular urine tests can help identify UTIs and screen you for syphilis and HIV. 
    • Biophysical Profile – This prenatal scan aims to examine a baby’s health. It might only entail an ultrasound to assess the health of the foetus or foetal heart rate monitoring based on the ultrasound results (nonstress test). 
    Free Pregnant Young Woman photo and picture

    Bottom Line

    So, it was all about high-risk pregnancies, you should know. Feeling overwhelmed about it initially is completely natural. However, the best guidance and support can make things much safer and smoother. 

    You should consult the best gynaecologist near you for a healthy delivery. Here’s how you can find the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh. Lastly, eat healthily, do light exercises, and maintain your weight, blood sugar, and blood pressure levels. 

  • heavy periods March 15, 2023

    No, heavy periods are not a sign of infertility. In fact, no scientific evidence proves any relationship between heavy periods and fertility. However, you should pay special attention to your period flow as it is a crucial indicator of your overall health. 

    According to healthcare experts, both light and heavy period flow can be a sign of a hormonal imbalance that can be corrected with medications. Consulting the top gynaecologist in Mohali for regular screening can help keep severe health issues at bay. Stay with us as we shed some light on this issue.


    What is Considered a Heavy Period?

    Menstrual flow that lasts longer than seven days is known as menorrhagia. Heavy bleeding is another possibility. How can you tell if you are bleeding heavily? Heavy bleeding is the need to change your tampon or pad in less than two hours or the passage of blood clots at least a quarter size. 

    You should consult the best gynaecologist in Mohali if you experience this period flow. This condition can also lead to anaemia. It can make you feel weak or exhausted. Moreover, it can also result in additional medical issues. 

    What are the Causes of Heavy Periods?

    Are you worried that your heavy periods are impacting your fertility? Leave all your worries aside and meet the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh to understand everything about female infertility. Moreover, heavy periods can be due to many reasons like: 

    • Uterine-Related Problems – Tumours are growth in the uterus that is benign in nature. They are known as polyps or fibroids. This condition can interfere with pregnancy. However, you should consult the top gynaecologist in Mohali for the right and most effective fibroids treatment. 
    • Uterine or Cervical Cancer – Some pregnancy control methods, like an intrauterine device (IUD). 
    • Pregnancy-Related Problems – Issues like a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy can also develop abnormal bleeding during periods. Abortion occurs when the foetus, or unborn child, passes away inside the uterus. A dangerous condition known as an ectopic pregnancy occurs when a foetus develops outside the uterus. 
    • Endometriosis – Endometrial tissue inside your uterus can develop on other abdominal organs or the outside of your uterus, a disease known as endometriosis. It may result in discomfort and unusual bleeding. It can also lead to a heavy period after trying to conceive.
    • Irregular Menstruation – You might have heavy bleeding or occasionally miss periods if your menstrual cycle is irregular. Additionally, your period may result in excruciating pain or cramping. 
    • Problems with Ovulation – If your ovaries don’t consistently produce eggs (ovulate), you may experience irregular periods. If you do experience menstruation, it may be heavier than normal. 
    • Bleeding Issues – Bleeding disorders like haemophilia and other congenital blood conditions can also lead to excessive menstrual bleeding.  
    • Thyroid Disorder – Thyroid dysfunction is one of the major causes of menstrual abnormalities. It can lead to heavy periods. You should consult an experienced gynaecologist in Chandigarh to manage this condition. Leaving it untreated can also impact your pregnancy attempts. 

    Sometimes, medicine like Aspirin and others can lead to heavy period bleeding. If you experience this kind of bleeding and your gynaecologist has examined you normally, you should be tested for a bleeding condition. 

    Symptoms of Heavy Periods 

    Menstrual cycles with unusually heavy or extended bleeding are referred to as menorrhagia in medicine. Although excessive menstrual bleeding is a common cause for worry, menorrhagia is a completely curable condition. However, trust the best gynaecologist in Mohali for the right diagnosis and treatment. Menorrhagia symptoms and signs can include: 

    • Soak through one or more tampons or sanitary napkins each hour for several hours. 
    • Using two types of sanitary pads to regulate your menstrual discharge 
    • Waking up during the night to alter sanitary protection 
    • A week or more of bleeding 
    • Blood clots bigger than a quarter passing 
    • Restricting everyday activities because of a heavy period 
    • Anaemia symptoms like exhaustion, lethargy, or shortness of breath 

    When to See the Doctor?

    Here are the top conditions where medical intervention becomes crucial. 

    • Heavy vaginal flow lasts longer than two hours, soaking at least one pad or tampon per hour.
    • Any vaginal bleeding following menopause, including bleeding during periods or leaking irregularly.
    • You need to line your underwear in various methods to prevent stains. 
    • When you are bleeding for more than seven days. 
    • You are unable to carry out your everyday tasks because of an unusual menstrual flow. 
    • Insufficient blood flow is causing sleep interruptions, and you need to get up in the middle of the night to replace your sanitary pad. 
    • If you are passing considerably large-sized blood clots during periods. 
    • Constant abdominal and pelvic discomfort that never stops. 
    • Experiencing exhaustion, lethargy, and shortness of breath are signs of anaemia. 


    Your gynaecologist can prescribe the following tests and screenings to examine your issue of heavy periods:

    • A transvaginal ultrasound examination to look for womb and ovary structural abnormalities 
    • Internal (vaginal) inspection to check for abnormalities in the cervical and vaginal regions. 
    • A test to detect cervical cancer is called a Pap screening. 
    • Vaginal biopsies to look for an infection there. 
    • Gynaecologists can recommend more precise MRI scans or transabdominal scans for young girls who are not eligible for internal examination or scan. 

    Besides these tests, your gynaecologist can also prescribe some blood tests like:

    • A full blood count test is to determine whether you have anaemia. 
    • A test for thyroid function because thyroid disease can impact menstruation. 
    • If your menses have been heavy since adolescence, get a coagulation screen. 
    • If an ovarian cyst is suspected, it may also be necessary to obtain ovarian tumour markers. 

    Bottom Line

    Heavy periods are curable and not a prominent sign of infertility. However, consult the top gynaecologist in Mohali for the right treatment and concerning infertility warning signs. Meanwhile, you should maintain a healthy weight, blood sugar, and blood pressure levels. Additionally, quit processed food and satisfy unhealthy cravings with these healthy options. These simple steps can immensely help. 

  • pcos diet March 10, 2023

    PCOS, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is a common hormonal disorder among women. As per an estimation, it was concluded that every one in five Indian women suffers from PCOS. So, it’s not a new condition among Indian women.

    While PCOS has been linked to making conception difficult, it’s fairly possible for a woman with PCOS to recover from the condition and conceive naturally. And how is it possible? Through lifestyle changes. 

    With a proper diet, balanced blood sugar levels, and healthy lifestyle modifications, it’s certainly easy to get pregnant with PCOS. You just need to follow a PCOS diet plan that’s rich in high-fibre, natural/unprocessed food and leafy greens for the best results. 

    Here’s a full-fledged guide to help you out with the same:

    Keep those Carbs in Check

    Women suffering from PCOS should limit their carb intake and keep it around 40% of the total calories. That’s because carbohydrates are linked with high insulin levels. This is especially for refined carbohydrates that are in food like white rice, sweets, etc.

    Refined carbohydrates are related to high levels of insulin, which can eventually make it tough to process the carbohydrates. So, it’s recommended to eat food with a low glycemic index. 

    With less carb food in your PCOS diet plan, you can stay assured of low androgen levels. There’ll also be lesser chances of issues that are caused due to androgen, like acne, irregular menstruation, excessive hair growth, etc. 

    So, keep your PCOS diet free from too much pasta, pizzas, or white carbs. Ofcourse, you can have them sometimes, but don’t go overboard with them. As nutrition affects fertility in females, you should include food rich in essential nutrients. 

    Fatty Fishes Instead of Processed Meat

    Processed meat may taste delicious, but it’s recommended to avoid it with PCOS as it can be pro-inflammatory in the gut. So, put a halt on fast food hamburgers and switch to healthier options with rich protein and healthy fat. 

    You can eat fish like tuna, mackerel, and salmon instead of processed meat. Not only are these anti-inflammatory, but they are also ideal for increasing the androgen levels in women. 

    Fishes are also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which is again perfect for battling conditions like PCOS. Meanwhile, you must stay away from unhealthy fats, as they can increase estrogen levels and make your PCOS condition worse. 

    Probiotics from Fermented Food

    When we talk about a healthy gut, women suffering from PCOS lack it more than the ones who don’t have the condition. That’s why it’s recommended to consume fermented food and food options that are rich in probiotics to keep the gut healthy. The main purpose here is to increase the healthy bacteria (or the healthy helpers) inside the stomach.

    With good bacteria, you can stay assured of having better digestion and overall mood. In fact, it can also keep weight in check and prevent any disease manifestation. To mention some good probiotics, you can include yoghurt in your diet. It’s also a staple in a regular Indian diet, so you wouldn’t struggle to get them in the market.

    You can also add other fermented food like pickles, miso, and kimchi. As for some common Indian dishes that are fermented and a blessing for PCOS conditions, you can try sprouts, Idly, Dhokla, Dosa, etc. Add them to your breakfast for a hearty and PCOS-friendly meal. 

    Herbs and Spices

    You have many herbs and spices in your kitchen that works wonders for PCOS. So, make sure to incorporate them into your diet for better support in your PCOS recovery. Cinnamon, for example, is a spectacular spice with anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties. So, you can add it to your food to keep those blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels in check. It’s also ideal for increasing progesterone production to maintain the hormonal balance. 

    Similarly, you can use turmeric to boost immunity and encourage quick healing. It’s also quite efficient for reducing irregular period symptoms, weight gain, and sleep issues that may occur due to PCOS. The curcumin in turmeric can help to manage insulin resistance and keep those blood sugar levels in check.

    Some other herbs that are ideal for PCOS management include 

    • Ginger
    • Fenugreek
    • Ashwagandha
    • Basil
    • Shatavari 

    Example of PCOS Diet Plan to Get Pregnant 

    NOTE: This is not a replacement for any diet plan that’s directed by your gynaecologist or dietitians. It’s just a sample to give you a clear idea about the PCOS meal plan. Before starting any plan, discuss it with your healthcare professional and do as suggested by them.

    Early Morning1 glass of lukewarm lemon water (with a pinch of cinnamon)
    Before Breakfast 1 glass of low-fat milk (without any sugar); Dry fruits like walnuts
    Breakfast 1 bowl Poha/Upma or 2-3 Oats Idli, 1 cup of Tea/Coffee (without sugar)
    Mid Morning Any whole fruit
    Lunch2 wheat-bran chapatis, ½ cup brown rice, 1 cup homemade vegetables, 1 cup lentils/dal; Non-vegetarians can have chicken (2 pc), fish (1 pc) or egg whites (2 pc)
    Mid Afternoon 1 glass buttermilk 
    Evening1 cup bhel/jhalmuri or ½ cup sprouts; 1 cup tea (without sugar)
    Mid Evening 1 small cup soup (veg or chicken)
    DinnerSalad, two chapatis or 1 cup vegetable pulao, 1 cup veg curry, 1 cup lentils/dal of your choice, curd; Non-vegetarians can have chicken or egg whites. 
    Bed Time 1 glass of low-fat milk

    Instead of having huge meals, it’s recommended to have small yet frequent meals for your PCOS diet plan. Also, satisfy your unhealthy food cravings with healthy options

    Do’s of Getting Pregnant with PCOS 

    Now that you know what you should do in a  PCOS diet plan, let’s check out the things that you must do:

    • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
    • Avoid eating too much sugary food or drinks
    • Indulge in regular exercises and yoga

    Final Note

    We hope now you know everything that’s needed to get pregnant with PCOS. Besides these do’s and don’ts, you must believe in yourself and hang in there. Things will take a turn for good and quite soon! Don’t give up. 

  • avoid alcohol in pregnancy March 6, 2023

    Finally, it’s happening! You must be so excited to welcome a little one into your family. And now you must be waiting to give them a hospitable environment in your womb for nine months. 

    As you do so, remember that it’s important for you to be healthy and happening so your baby can be healthy too. For that, you must eat well, sleep well, and keep your distance from regular alcohol consumption.

    best maternity hospital in mohali

    Yes, you read that right. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can cause developmental disabilities, birth defects, and other issues in babies. It can result in Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, miscarriages, prematurities, etc. 

    So, it’s strongly recommended not to drink alcohol during pregnancy. There are several other effects related to alcohol and pregnancy. Read through here:

    What Happens When You Drink Alcohol During Pregnancy?

    Drinking alcohol during pregnancy has negative effects on the baby. When you consume alcohol while pregnant, it travels from your bloodstream to different organs of the baby, including the liver.

    However, during the initial stages of pregnancy, a baby’s liver does not develop enough to process the alcohol. Your repeated consumption can eventually affect your baby and cause serious issues with its development. 

    It can also cause problems after the birth of your baby. So, you must stay skeptical of your alcohol consumption during pregnancy, just as you stay sceptical when it comes to your baby’s first food

    Effects of Alcohol on Pregnancy 

    Some of the symptoms that you may notice after alcohol consumption (during pregnancy) are related to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. This includes:

    • Behavioural problems
    • Attention problems
    • Heart defects
    • Poor growth/muscle tone
    • Balance and movement problem
    • Learning issues
    • Thinking/speech defect
    • Change in facial shape, etc.

    In extreme cases, the child may suffer from complications like cerebral palsy. Similarly, you, as the mother, may suffer from premature birth or pregnancy loss.

    Is Light Drinking Unsafe for the Baby?

    When it comes to alcohol and pregnancy, there is still a lot of debate among doctors. While some healthcare professionals restrict their patients from drinking alcohol completely, others allow occasional light drinking to the patients. 

    As per a study of 5928 pregnant women, about 19% consumed alcohol occasionally. Meanwhile, 20% of them reported low alcohol consumption, and 15% reported consuming more than seven drinks weekly. 

    In all these cases, the defects and abnormalities were the same. Similarly, there are several other studies which show little evidence between light drinking and pregnancy defects. So, it’s still confusing. But, it’s best to avoid any form of drinking during pregnancy.

    Safe Levels of Alcohol in Pregnancy 

    One of the most common questions among pregnant women is what are the safe levels of alcohol during pregnancy? The answer is none.

    At present, there is no safe amount of alcohol that’s ideal for consumption during pregnancy. Similarly, there is no safe time during pregnancy when you can consume alcohol. As for alcohol varieties, all types of alcohol, including wines and beers, are harmful to the baby. So, if you are wondering about the connection between wine and pregnancy, it’s just like any other alcohol variety.

    Alcohol, when consumed during the first three months of the pregnancy, can cause abnormal facial features. However, the child may suffer from central nervous problems and growth issues if the mother consumes alcohol during any month of the pregnancy. So, if you want your baby to be healthy, you must not drink alcohol at all. 

    How to Stop Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy?

    Now that you understand the consequences of drinking alcohol during pregnancy let’s learn some of the ways by which you can stop consuming it. First things first, you must have the willpower to avoid alcoholic drinks. It could be tough at first, especially if you are too much dependent on it. 

    But once you find out about your pregnancy, it’s recommended to discuss with your healthcare professional about your drinking routine. Don’t try to stop alcohol suddenly, or it may cause alcohol withdrawal symptoms. 

    Instead, discuss things right away with your doctor to handle the situation. They wouldn’t judge you and will certainly offer you the help that you need. However, make sure to do your research and learn how to find the best gynaecologist before finalising your doctor.

    Besides that, here are some other tips that you can follow to stop alcohol during pregnancy:

    Switch to Alcohol-free Choices

    When it comes to alcohol-free drink choices, most of you must be thinking about fruit juices and sugary drinks. While that’s an option, you can also try wines and beer without alcohol. Make sure to satisfy your unhealthy cravings with healthy options.

    Additionally, check the ABV content in the drinks. Drinks with trace alcohol may be consumed after a doctor consultation, and it may not have extreme effects on the baby. But again, it’s best to discuss everything with your healthcare professional before adding to the diet. 

    Stay Busy

    Whenever you get the urge to drink alcohol, try to engage your mind in something else. For example, you can go for a quick walk or catch a movie with your partner. You can also divert your mind to board games, painting, or music.

    Hangout with the Right People

    Another effective way to stop your alcohol consumption during pregnancy is by hanging out with people who will help you to stop the same. Tell them how you need their support to win this battle against alcohol and give your baby a healthy life. Meanwhile, request them not to drink in front of you, as it can stimulate the urge. 

    Avoid Risky Places

    It’s best to avoid places like bars and discs until you give birth to your baby. Rather, you can go to cafes and restaurants for a hearty meal. Similarly, if you are invited to a party, do not go near the drinks table. You must also hang out with people who don’t drink. That way, you will stay away from any sort of alcoholic consumption. 

    Yoga Asanas

    Lastly, you can indulge in different yoga asanas to recover from alcohol dependency and heavy drinking. There are many yoga poses that can boost your willpower and give you momentary peace, like Vajrasana. However, before doing any yoga, you must talk with your doctor and instructor. Don’t include anything in your regime without expert consultation.


    Should you consume alcohol during pregnancy? Not really. It’s best to avoid drinking alcohol during any time of pregnancy as it can have negative effects on your child. 

  • February 26, 2023

    This is a common question that women planning to undergo IVF treatment ask. Given many myths surrounding IVF, it’s obvious to have concerns before the treatment. However, IVF is totally safe and causes no health problems in the long-term, given that you consult the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh or near you. 

    Every woman is different and so is their biology. So, the treatment may respond differently to every woman planning to conceive a baby. Working with a qualified gynaecologist makes sure that you get the right treatment, which eliminates your chances of health issues.

    In this blog, we’re going to answer – in consultation with an expert gynaecologist – the most common questions concerning health issues related to IVF. 

    Can IVF Lead to Long-term Health Issues?

    No. The chances of developing permanent health issues with IVF is minimal. The right diagnosis and the right healthcare guidance can immensely help in identifying probable risks as well. 

    IVF is relatively a new technology that is evolving with every passing year. An impressive increase in the success rate has also been witnessed in this procedure in the past few years. However, there’s another aspect to this technology that every person undergoing IVF should know about.

    IVF can increase the risk of multiple births when more than one embryo has transferred to the uterus. This multiple-fetus pregnancy increases the risk of premature births, early labour, and low-birth weight. However, these risks are present in many naturally complicated pregnancy cases as well. But all these IVF pregnancy risks can be effectively managed with the help of an experienced gynaecologist in Chandigarh.

    Does IVF Impact the Immunity of the Patient?

    Technically and scientifically, no facts or data support this statement. Women usually experience a suppressed immune system during pregnancy – normal or through any treatment. Nausea, lack of appetite, vomiting, and tiredness are common symptoms every expecting mother experiences during this time. This can further affect immunity for some time. 

    However, some patients might experience higher immunity suppression than others. Are you also one of them? If yes, ensure you consult the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh. These highly trained medical professionals check all probable IVF health problems. They also take necessary measures to control these issues before things get out of hand. 

    Can IVF Cause Ovarian Cancer?

    No. IVF does not cause ovarian cancer. According to medical experts, one of the biggest reasons for having ovarian cancer is nulliparity or childlessness. It is a medical term used for a woman who has never given birth to a child. IVF has come as a boon for such women. Many women embrace motherhood with the help of this revolutionary reproductive technology.

    So, IVF has played a vital role in decreasing the risk of ovarian cancer by allowing women to give birth to healthy babies. It is a reassuring and interesting finding which clarifies the real reasons behind ovarian cancer and the role of IVF in preventing it. Experts consider it one of the biggest IVF babies advantages.

    Can IVF Impact the Life Expectancy?

    Who is stronger: IVF babies vs normal babies? Does IVF affect the life expectancy of the baby? Premature babies, conceived naturally or through IVF, are usually at a higher risk of having a weak immune system. In newborns, underdeveloped lungs, heart, or liver can lead to health issues like jaundice and pneumonia. It is a common phenomenon that has little to do with IVF. All these complications can be effectively managed by neonatology.

    It is a modern medical science stream that takes special care of newborns born with weak immune systems. On a wider aspect, an expecting mother can prevent future health issues for the baby by consulting an experienced gynaecologist in Mohali. A customized nutrition schedule can help strengthen the immunity of both the unborn and the mother, leading to a good life expectancy.

    Does IVF Change Your Body?

    Ideally, a standard IVF treatment is a five-step process:

    1. Ovulation induction
    2. Egg retrieval
    3. Sperm retrieval
    4. Fertilization
    5. Embryo transfer

    It marks the completion of one IVF cycle. 

    At times, multiple IVF cycles are recommended for a successful conception. This recommendation can vary from doctor to doctor, clinic to clinic, or patient to patient as per their age and genetics.

    Patients also need to take several hormone injections to support the conception process. The process can introduce some changes in the body, like bloating, weight gain, etc. These are normal after-effects so there is nothing to worry about.

    Of course, your body will indeed undergo significant temporary changes during IVF pregnancy. And, it is a good sign of the fetus’  healthy development. These changes are more or less similar to a natural pregnancy. They can be easily managed under the guidance and treatment of an efficient gynaecologist.

    Bottom Line

    IVF n is often considered the “last stop” in infertility. Experts call it the first and one of the most successful options for couples who are battling infertility. It is also a ray of hope for people for whom traditional pregnancy and conception are not an option. Women with infertility diagnoses, same-sex couples, etc., are a few examples. 

    This treatment is completely safe and does not lead to lifelong complications in women. Search the “best gynaecologist near me”, shortlist the right ones, and choose the most qualified and reputed one. Such a physician should make your journey to motherhood as smooth as possible while helping manage any complications or health risks.

  • February 22, 2023

    Planning to embrace motherhood after 35? That’s lovely. Geriatric pregnancy is the term for planning pregnancy at 35 or later. Many healthy women who conceive after 35 and even in their 40s deliver perfectly healthy babies. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think smart to ensure you and your infant stay as healthy as possible during pregnancy. Here’s a comprehensive doctor’s guide to getting pregnant after 35. 

    Tips to Increase your Chances of Having a Healthy Pregnancy

    Women planning pregnancy after 35 are indeed known as having advanced maternal age. But despite this misconception, you can still have enjoyable gestations and healthy infants. Although the chances of complications are high in planning a pregnancy in the second half of the 30s, you can take steps to multiply your odds of a healthy gestation. 

    Eat Healthily

    • It is a myth that if you are getting pregnant at 37 naturally, then you should consume food for two. The truth is that nutrition affects fertility in females, and doubling your nutrient intake will ensure the optimal development of the baby. 
    • So, reduce the intake of fat, sugar, and salty foods. And increase consumption of a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. ,
    • You can also rely on whole grains to fulfill your daily requirement for minerals and vitamins. Most importantly, you should focus on eating food rich in iron. For instance, tofu, meat, and a variety of dairy products. 
    • Moreover, eating the right combination of legumes, vegetables, fruits, and plenty of water will keep you at bay from constipation. 
    • Many women getting pregnant after 35 naturally wonder if they can take caffeine. We got you covered. Experts say that you can take caffeine in moderation (two cups to three cups) during your pregnancy. Excess consumption can increase the risk of low birth weight and miscarriage. 
    • It is crucial to safeguard yourself from food poisoning during this time. Therefore, avoid raw eggs, cheese, fast food, and street-side food items as much as you can. Moreover, you should also ensure appropriate self-hygiene while cooking and storing food. 
    • Prevent eating more than one serving of fish per fortnight. It has high mercury levels, which can pose harm to the foetus. 
    • Consult the best gynaecologist in Mohali to get the right dosage of folic acid and iodine supplements. Also, discuss all other nutrition requirements with your doctor to ensure the best for you and your baby. 

    Healthy Weight Gain

    • There are several pregnancy after 35 success stories that inspire women to maintain a healthy weight gain during their gestation period. 
    • You see, being obese or overweight can invite a wide range of health problems and complications. For instance, preterm birth, stillbirth, gestational diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, etc. It can pose a threat to both you and your baby. Ideally, a pregnant woman should gain weight from 11.5 kg to 16 kg during her entire pregnancy. 
    • Similarly, being underweight during this time can also invite many health issues. It can lead to preterm birth, low birth weight, and weak immunity in the infant. 
    • Your doctor will tell you what the ideal weight gain in pregnancy is. It will depend on how much you weigh at the beginning. Even if you had a normal weight before pregnancy, gaining too much weight quickly is bad for you and your baby.
    • Stay close to your gynecologist and discuss the top physical activities that are safe for you and your child. Experts recommend spending 150 to 250 minutes in moderate to intense physical activity weekly. 
    • Walking, swimming, gardening, jogging, and prenatal yoga are the top activities you can perform during this time. However, you should avoid any exercise that makes you dizzy, causes pain, or is done on your back. 
    • Lastly, address all your weight concerns timely. Regular check-ups with the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh and collaboration with an experienced nutritionist can help immensely during this process.
    • Please note that indulging in strict dieting at this time can have an adverse impact on your baby’s health.  


    • Getting pregnant at 38 or later; what to expect regarding maternal immunisation? Rubella (German Measles) and chickenpox (Varicella) are the two major vaccinations that are a must to ensure the good health of the foetus. Both these diseases can lead to severe complications in the newborn. You can learn more about them through the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh. 
    • Besides, obstetric care providers also prescribe tetanus toxoid, acellular pertussis (Tdap), and reduced diphtheria toxoid vaccine to all pregnant ladies in India. These vaccines should be taken in the 27th to 36th week of gestation. 

    Alcohol and Drinking

    • Is this your second pregnancy after 35? If so, ensure you keep alcohol and cigarettes at bay. Here’s why:
    • Alcohol can pass through the placenta. It can enter the foetus’s bloodstream and increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and stillbirth. 
    • Moreover, drinking heavily during pregnancy can also give rise to foetal alcohol spectrum disorders. It can lead to lifelong health issues in the child. 
    • At times, women consume alcohol unknowingly before they know they are pregnant. Be rest assured, it will not have any effect on the baby. However, ensure you don’t touch alcohol for the rest of your gestation period. 
    • As far as smoking is concerned – both active and passive smoke harms your and your child’s health. It increases the risk of stillbirth, premature delivery, and miscarriage. It can also result in low birthweight or sudden infant death syndrome
    • Consult the top gynaecologist in Mohali to seek assistance and guidance in quitting smoking and drinking immediately. 


    Remember getting pregnant in your late 30s is as normal as getting pregnant in your 20s. All you need to do is take good care of yourself to ensure a healthy and joyful pregnancy. The crux is that you must get in touch with the best healthcare provider, lead an active and healthy lifestyle, and keep a check on your symptoms. Any unusual symptom should be discussed with your gynaecologist at the earliest. Remember, the right step taken at the right time can save your and your child’s life.  

  • morning sickness during pregnancy February 19, 2023

    Over 80% of pregnant women experience morning sickness. You probably know how annoying it can get if you are also one of them. Feelings of vomiting or nausea can strike any time of the day. However, there are two pieces of good news for you! These symptoms won’t pose a threat to your baby. 

    And this condition is usually short-lived, with symptoms declining by the second trimester. But that doesn’t mean you have to put up with it for three long months. Several simple tips can help you tame your morning sickness in minutes. Here are the top six tips right from the desk of the best gynaecologist in Mohali to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy. 

    When Does Morning Sickness Start?

    Tips to Control Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

    Here are the top effective tips that help morning sickness in the first trimester:

    Eat Often

    Do you know that an empty stomach can make your nausea worse? One of the best ways to control it is by eating often. The trick is to eat small-sized meals every 2 to 3 hours. You can include snacks, fruits, nuts, and crunchy vegetables like carrots in your meal plans. Moreover, starchy, bland food items greatly soak up gastric acid. They also help in settling the stomach. You can satisfy your unhealthy food cravings with these healthy options

    Besides, you should also prioritise protein intake in your diet. Doctors say that a protein-rich diet offers long-lasting relief from vomiting and nausea. Protein is also essential for your baby’s growth throughout pregnancy. Cottage cheese, poultry, lentils, fish, peanut butter, milk, and eggs are great protein sources. Meet your gynaecologist to learn about foods that fight nausea during pregnancy.

    Go Sour

    It is one of the best cures for morning sickness that lasts all day. Try consuming sour candies to fight your sour stomach. According to the top gynaecologist in Chandigarh, sour flavours help immensely in curbing nausea. Both orange and lemon-flavoured hard candies can help during this time. If you don’t have candies at home, suck on a slice of citrus fruit like lime, lemon, or orange. 

    Doctors consider them the best fruits for morning sickness. They can effectively help with digestion and ease your morning sickness significantly. Besides, you can also go for drinks and other beverages to keep yourself hydrated and keep acid reflux under control. A lemon water drink, clear soda, or a fruit fusion is enough to settle your nausea. 

    Stay Vertical

    How to reduce nausea while pregnant? Morning sickness symptoms can make you lie down for some time. But doctors recommend the opposite. You should avoid lying down during this time. Instead, you should try to stay vertical as much as you can. It will help the acid to settle down faster. Lying down can raise the level of acid and gastric juices in the stomach for a longer time. 

    This condition can impact digestion and add to the nauseous feeling. Similarly, you should avoid brushing your teeth or gargling for at least 30 minutes after eating. Brushing right after eating can trigger gag reflex and that is the last thing you want when you are suffering from morning sickness. 

    Avoid Triggers

    Scientific research suggests vomiting and nausea during pregnancy occur due to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). The placenta produces this hormone once a fertilised egg attaches to the uterine lining. The fluctuation in the level of HCG can trigger symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Therefore, it is crucial to identify your triggers and avoid them as much as possible. 

    For instance, some women feel nauseous by strong odours, or specific food items. Try to stay away from such things until your morning sickness subsides. Moreover, several therapeutic aromas can help relieve your morning sickness significantly. Lemon, orange, peppermint, chamomile, ginger, etc., are some of the best aromas to smell during this time. 

    Take Care of your Prenatal Vitamins

    Prenatal vitamins are crucial for your and your baby’s health. Therefore, ensure you don’t skip them at any cost. However, at times expecting mothers feel unsettled after taking these tablets. In this case, gynaecologists recommend trying gummy or chewable vitamins. Their juice will seamlessly settle in your digestive system, making you feel at ease. 

    If you don’t get relief, ask your doctor to prescribe alternate iron and vitamin tablets. Most importantly, rinse your mouth with cold water every time you vomit. It will eliminate all the acid components from your mouth and teeth. Failing to do it can damage your teeth’ enamel. 

    Other Remedies

    Morning sickness is usually active during the first half of the day. So, if you feel that your tablets are adding to your woes, consider taking them during bedtime. However, ensure you discuss it with your doctor first. Apart from this, try wearing a motion sickness band. It is an advanced wristband that puts pressure on essential acupressure points that helps control nausea and vomiting. 

    Lastly, take care of yourself. Indulge in creative activities that can help divert your mind from nausea. Poor sleep quality can also trigger nausea in women. A good 8 to 10 hours of sleep will help keep acid reflux at bay. Plenty of fresh air, walking, and regular exercising can also immensely help. Besides, try searching – what can I take for nausea while pregnant? You can also discuss all your concerns with your doctor. Here are some tips for finding the best gynecologist in Chandigarh

    When to See the Doctor?

    Sure, gestation comes with its share of discomforts, you must never ignore unusual symptoms. Here are some troubling symptoms that need immediate medical attention from your doctor. 

    • Abdominal pain
    • Fever
    • Difficulty urinating
    • Weight loss
    • Vomiting blood
    When Does Morning Sickness Peak: Understanding Pregnancy Nausea

    Summing Up

    Pregnancy brings a unique mix of emotions and health issues like morning sickness. The good part is that these issues go away with time. And all you are left with are their sweet and sour memories. So, make the most of this time by adopting wise eating habits, doing mild physical activities, and staying happy. Remember, stress also gives rise to the acid levels in the body. So, ensure you stay busy all day and try to remain as calm as you can. 

  • periods after c-section February 15, 2023

    It is natural for a woman’s menstrual cycle to change after delivery. Some can experience more painful or heavier first period after pregnancy, while others may find them easier. It is also true that your menstrual cycle will be irregular for some time. However, the good news is that they usually get normal over time. 

    Although there is no tried and tested way to predict your periods after cesarean delivery, some useful tips and guidance from the best gynaecologist can help you prepare better. Learn more about effectively managing your first postpartum period in this blog post. 

    When to Expect?

    So, when do you get your first period after birth? It is seen that non-lactating mothers who’re formula-feeding tend to get their periods within six to eight weeks after delivery. And when do you get periods after birth while breastfeeding? Mothers who’re exclusively breastfeeding their babies usually experience delayed periods. That’s because of prolactin. 

    It is a hormone that is released while breastfeeding. This hormone controls ovulation. So, no ovulation, no periods. However, it is not a hard and fast rule. You may get periods while breastfeeding, especially after introducing solid foods, bottles, etc. 

    What will your first Postpartum Period be Like?

    Brace yourself, mothers – the first period after C-section is generally heavier because of the extra bloodshed from the uterine lining. Again, the experience varies from person to person. Some of you can experience painful cramps, while others may find it easier. 

    Besides, your second period after pregnancy may also show up early or even late. So, your periods can take some time to get back to their normal cycle. Therefore, having adequate period protection items handy will always help. 

    Managing Premenstrual Symptoms

    manage periods

    Just like normal periods, your body will start giving some premenstrual indications a week in advance. Staying healthy and active during this time can help immensely. Here are some premenstrual  tips for you:

    • Drink lots of water, juices, and other healthy beverages
    • Eat a balanced, healthy diet, including lots of green leafy vegetables
    • Avoid smoking and alcohol during this time
    • Eat small meals every 3 hours to maintain your blood sugar levels
    • Avoid coffee, tea, and soft drinks as much as you can
    • Limit refined sugar and switch to natural or minimally processed sugar

    Managing your First Postpartum Periods

    Many women experience severe periods after delivery. It is due to a chemical called prostaglandins. It triggers contractions in the uterus and helps remove period blood. To manage these cramps, you can:

    • Use a gel-based or water-based heat pad. 
    • Do some easy and safe postpartum exercises to prepare your body for periods. 
    • Avoid smoking or drinking during this time.
    • Consult the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh to seek pain relief medications.
    • Some relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and music therapy
    • Consume ample water throughout the day

    When should you see the Doctor?

    Although the first period after pregnancy is expected to be heavier and more painful, there are some abnormal symptoms that need medical attention. Consult the best gynaecologist in Mohali if you experience any of the following:

    Big blood clots – Small-sized blood clots are normal in the first postpartum periods. But if you see the size of the clots is larger than a quarter, you should get in touch with your doctor. It can be a sign of polyps, fibroids, thyroid, or severe infection. Your doctor may prescribe some blood tests and other screenings to find the cause of these clot discharges. 

    Extremely heavy flow, spotting, and pain – Experiencing extremely heavy flow (soaking more than one pad per hour) or severely paining periods can indicate adenomyosis. This condition arises due to the thickening of the uterine wall. Although it is not a dangerous health condition, your doctor should know about it. Severe cases also need anti-inflammatory medications, hormonal therapy or even a minor surgical procedure. 

    Prolonged periods – Any period lasting over seven days comes in the category of prolonged periods. Losing too much blood during this time can lead to anemia. It can make you feel irritable, dizzy, and tired. So, consult the best gynaecologist in Mohali for a blood test. She can also prescribe you Vitamin C and iron supplements if required. 

    A sudden fever – Consult your gynaecologist at the earliest if you get a sudden fever, severe headache, or difficulty breathing during your first postpartum period. Any fever that crosses 100 F should be brought to the attention of the doctor. 

    No Periods – No period after pregnancy; when to worry? Talk to your doctor if you don’t receive your first period after three months of delivery or stop breastfeeding. It is usually normal most of the time. But two rare health conditions can cause periods to disappear for this long. They are:

    Sheehan’s Syndrome – Also known as a pituitary haemorrhage, this is a condition where the pituitary gland gets damaged during delivery. It disrupts your menstrual cycle. The top gynaecologists in Mohali usually prescribe hormone therapy to correct this syndrome. 

    Asherman’s Syndrome – Women undergoing D & C (dilation and curettage) procedures sometimes develop uterine scar tissues. This syndrome can lead to fertility issues. Timely consultation with an experienced gynaecologist can help control this condition. 

    Understanding Lochia

    At times, women confuse periods with a post-delivery vaginal discharge process, called Lochia. It is a thick discharge containing mucus, blood, and uterine tissues. It has a musty, stale odour similar to period discharge that can last for several weeks. The flow is quite heavy initially and subsides later on until it goes away. Lochia is a natural part of the postpartum healing process. It is a safe process that does not lead to any worrisome complications. The actual menstrual cycle will start after this process. 


    The return of your period after delivering a baby can feel like a shock to your system. So, be prepared to embrace the natural changes in your cycles. Listen to your body, check on abnormal symptoms, find the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh and stay in touch with her throughout the process. These simple things can make this transition way smoother and easier for you. 

  • food to avoid during IVF February 12, 2023

    Besides age, sperm quality, ovarian stimulation protocol, and embryo transfer, your eating style also plays a vital role in making your IVF successful. Surprised? Well, don’t be! Although you cannot control what happens inside the body, you can influence the process and results by eating right during your IVF process. 

    So, whether you are undergoing your IVF treatment or will start with it soon, keeping a check on your food intake is crucial. Below, in consultation with the top gynaecologist in Chandigarh, we cover the Indian diet plan for IVF success. It will support your body best during the IVF cycle and pregnancy.

    Food Items to Avoid during IVF Treatment

    Certain food items can interfere with IVF and sperm production, leading to improper morphology and low motility. To prevent this condition, note the top food items you should avoid while undergoing an IVF treatment.


    Some fishes, like swordfish and tuna, have high mercury content. Experts recommend both men and women avoid consuming such fish. But what hazard does mercury have on the fertilisation process? The mercury content stored in the body can adversely impact sperm production. However, you can eat fish like salmon and shellfish. They are rich in zinc, and their essential fatty acids are also healthy for fertility.

    Full Fat Milk

    Studies have shown that full-fat milk and other dairy products can significantly reduce sperm production in the body. This food item also plays a vital role in impacting sperm motility. The main hazard of consuming full-fat milk is the chemicals and pesticides used to generate fat in it. However, it doesn’t mean you should not drink milk during your IVF process. You can consume low-fat milk and dairy products to fulfil your daily calcium requirements.

    Processed Meats

    Hotdogs, bacon, sausages, salami, etc., should be completely avoided when undergoing an IVF treatment. Do you know why? Because processed meat tends to contain higher hormonal residue than unprocessed meat. 

    It can adversely affect sperm production, leaving you with low-quality and low-motility sperm. Why don’t you contact the top gynaecologist in Mohali to know how to make IVF successful the first time

    Carbonated Drinks and Alcohol

    Please note that carbonated drinks and alcohol should be avoided by both partners when undergoing an IVF treatment. These drinks can spike abnormal and low-quality sperm production. The aspartame content in diet drinks also affects sperm count. In women, drinking more than one drink daily can increase the chances of failed fertilisation.


    Caffeine increases heart rate and blood pressure. It also narrows the blood vessels, increasing the chances of pregnancy complications. Therefore, doctors recommend significantly reducing caffeine consumption when undergoing an IVF treatment. Consider consulting an expert to learn about the ideal diet to increase your chances of conceiving during IVF. 


    Men supporting their partners in IVF treatment should avoid consuming soy-based food. You see, soy has phytoestrogens. It can bind estrogenic receptors throughout the body. In certain ways, it can be harmful to male fertility. Therefore, men who already have lower sperm count should prevent eating soy till their doctor recommends it.

    Raw Eggs

    Eggs contain proteins, carotenoids, vitamins, minerals, and iron. However, eggs in raw form also have the Salmonella virus. This virus can lead to food poisoning in some cases. Therefore, doctors recommend avoiding consuming raw eggs during the IVF process. You should cook it well if you want to consume it. Moreover, meet your doctor to know the nutrients you need before getting pregnant.


    Smoking is hazardous for sperm health. It can drastically reduce sperm count and give rise to abnormal sperm shape. Moreover, as per the latest research, smoking can also lead to DNA fragmentation in sperm. Smoking can also significantly reduce women’s fertility, making conceiving challenging. 

    It also impacts the hormone production process in the body. According to the top gynaecologist in Mohali, prolonged exposure to tobacco and smoking can damage the reproductive system. Therefore, it is high time for couples undergoing IVF procedures to quit smoking as soon as possible.

    Artificial Sweeteners

    Artificial sweeteners found in drinks and beverages can reduce female fertility. Moreover, Saccharin-based sweeteners can also reduce the chances of IVF success. Therefore, you should avoid its consumption as much as possible. 

    However, cutting off sugar completely from your diet is also not recommended. Therefore, experienced gynaecologists in Mohali advise natural sweetening syrups or sucralose-based sweeteners during the IVF process.

    Refined Sugar

    Refined sugar triggers high blood sugar levels in a woman’s body. As a result, it affects egg quality and reduces the chances of conception. Moreover, its excess consumption for a long time can impact the entire IVF fertility process. However, you can satisfy your unhealthy food cravings with these healthy options.


    We all know that seafood is an excellent source of protein. But consuming half-cooked or raw seafood can lead to severe infection. Also, the mercury content can hamper the fetus development process, leading to severe congenital disabilities. So ensure you remember this IVF success tips diet while choosing the right food items.


    Women trying to conceive through IVF should avoid mould-ripened cheese like camembert, brie, etc. Consuming them increases the risk of developing listeria infection. Consult the best gynaecologist to learn more about the side-effect of cheese on your conception process. Here’s how you can find the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh.

    Fast and Fried Food

    Last but not least, fried and fast-food items like momos, French fries, pizzas, burgers, hotdogs, etc., should be completely avoided during IVF. Most of these items are made in low-quality, pre-heated refined oil. It can be hazardous to the mother’s health and the conception process.

    Bottom Line

    So, these are the top food items to avoid during your IVF treatment. Consider consulting the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh to know the best foods to help implantation for IVFYou can also ask your doctor to refer an experienced nutritionist to help you learn more about the ideal IVF diet plan. Remember, mindful eating habits can help immensely make your IVF attempt successful.

  • getting pregnant with anxiety February 8, 2023

    Can I still get pregnant if I’m stressed? Are you worried that your anxiety may cause hurdles in conceiving? If so, you are not alone. Getting pregnant with anxiety is usually associated with worrisome outcomes in mothers and infants. However, the truth is that controlled stress and anxiety has nothing to do with this process. 

    The guidance and treatment of the top gynaecologist can help immensely during the entire process. Medical experts explain the relationship between anxiety and fertility and some useful tips in this post.

    What Science has to Say Here?

    Does stress cause infertility in females? Many women fear that anxiety and stress can impact their chances of getting pregnant or their infants’ health. It has been one of the most intense debate topics for over a decade. Here’s what Science has to say about it. You see, stress triggers the production of cortisol in a woman’s body. And elevated cortisol levels can trigger anxiety. It means that stress leads to anxiety. 

    Thankfully, there is no scientific evidence to prove that controlled anxiety or stress causes challenges in getting pregnant. Moreover, these things also do not cause difficulties during the IVF process. But it doesn’t mean stress doesn’t affect getting pregnant. Prolonged anxiety and stress problems can interfere with natural and artificial pregnancy processes. It can also extend the time of conception in some cases. Why don’t you consult a reputed gynaecologist to learn more about it? Here’s how to find the best gynaecologist in Chandigarh

    Symptoms of Anxiety 

    Here are the top symptoms that every woman with anxiety planning a pregnancy should know about. 

    • Frequent spells of nervousness and anxiety
    • Excessive worrying about things, especially how you are going to get pregnant
    • Constant worrying about your unborn’ s health
    • Finding it almost impossible or difficult to relax your mind
    • Feeling hard to stay still 
    • Sexual dysfunction
    • A constant feeling of restlessness
    • Often feeling agitated and irritable 
    • Getting afraid often or assuming something bad is going to happen
    • Difficulty sleeping
    • Sudden dizziness or lightheadedness
    • Excess, sudden sweating
    • A tingling or numb feeling in lips, toes, limbs, or fingers
    • Unexplained trembling, pain, or tension in lips, toes, limbs, or fingers
    • Feeling overwhelmed after seeing pregnant women
    • Low self-esteem
    • Relationship problems
    • Getting anxiety or panic attacks
    Anxiety: Symptoms, Types, Causes & More

    Tips to Manage Anxiety While Planning Pregnancy

    Your gynaecologist and psychiatrist are the best people to guide and assist you in planning a pregnancy with mental health condition. Meanwhile, here are some useful tips that can help you manage your anxiety while planning pregnancy. 

    Talk about it 

    The best way to manage your anxiety is by talking about it. Reach out to your friends and or family members to express your feelings. Sometimes, simply sharing your thoughts helps you de-stress and motivate you to continue. Besides, you can also ask your doctor to refer to a reliable, trained therapist. Some therapists specialise in helping women experiencing anxiety while planning pregnancy. 

    Find a Release

    Engage in powerful activities that can help in lowering your stress and anxiety. It is a great way to combat all types of mental issues. Physical activities encourage your body to release endorphins, a natural painkiller for the brain. It significantly helps in managing anxiety. Yoga, running, jogging, and walking are the most popular physical activities to consider here. Ideally, you choose any activity that keeps your body moving. A regular 20 to 30 minutes regime can do wonders for your mental health. 

    Distract your Mind

    The moment you experience any anxiety-related symptoms, distract your mind. Meditation, massage, deep breathing, and acupuncture are the top activities that can help you immensely here. Breathing exercises effectively boost the brain’s oxygen level. It stimulates and relaxes the nervous system. Experts recommend 10 to 15 minutes of deep breathing daily for the best results. You can also consider reading books related to how to not stress about getting pregnant.

    Speak to your Partner

    Besides pouring your heart in front of your friends and family, consider expressing your prenatal stress to your partner. After all, he will be your ultimate companion on this journey. Discuss your concerns about the future and your acceptance of expanding the family. Take some quality time and figure things out. It is a great way to control your thoughts and anxiety. 

    Learn about Anxiety

    Consult your healthcare provider and try to understand more about anxiety and its intensity in your case. You should also try to understand its role in pre and post-pregnancy scenarios. Know the top symptoms to watch for. Also, understand the red flags for rushing to your doctor. Keep your loved ones involved in this process. They can help you manage your anxiety better. 

    Follow your Treatment Plan 

    There are medications for stress, anxiety and depression which are safe for couples who are trying to conceive. Or for women who are pregnant and there are others who may not be safe. You need to consult a specialist for the same.

    Ensure you take all your medicines as directed by your doctor if you plan to get pregnant. Skipping any dose can trigger your anxiety. Moreover, regular check-ups are also equally crucial to keep your stress and anxiety under control. Consult your therapist immediately if you experience discomfort after taking any new medicine.

    Bottom Line

    So, it was all about how to plan a pregnancy when you have mental health problems. For many women, handling anxiety is an overwhelming process. Therefore, they should consider seeing professionals for the right guidance and treatment procedure. These therapists have the expertise in putting the patient at ease and initiating a one-on-one interaction. 

    Besides, support groups can also immensely help in controlling this issue. Please understand that taking therapy for stress and anxiety is normal, especially if it is interfering with your fertility.

    You should take hold of your thoughts, find ways to distract your mind and love yourself. It is how you calm anxiety while planning pregnancy. Last but most important, consult the best gynaecologist in India to get the best pre and post-pregnancy care and treatment. 

  • secondary fertility February 4, 2023

    Having more than one baby is the dream of many couples. The desire to have a complete family and sibling love brings along lots of excitement. But sometimes, a couple may find it difficult to conceive for a second time. So, is it secondary infertility? To know more, keep reading everything you need to know about secondary infertility, its causes, treatment, and more.

    best hospital for fertility

    What Does Secondary Infertility Mean?

    Any couple who have had one or more pregnancies before, whether successfully or not, and cannot conceive again are said to have secondary infertility. For example, you may have a prior pregnancy that was normal and healthy. However, a case of secondary infertility can occur after a couple tries to conceive for 6 to 12 months without success.

    There can be many reasons which can lead to secondary infertility. But you must be wondering how common secondary fertility is. Well, according to the statistics, 11% of couples face secondary infertility alone in the USA.

    So, if you find it hard to conceive after trying for a long time, you should consult a medical professional. Dr Sodhi’s Health Care at Mohali offers the best solutions for ruling out and solving infertility issues. Ruling out possible causes and treatment can help you experience motherhood again.

    What are the Causes of Secondary Infertility?

    secondary fertility

    There are numerous reasons which can lead to secondary infertility. It can be due to age or certain lifestyle issues. However, going to the right medical professional and working on all the causes can help you once again experience parenthood. Some of the most common causes of secondary infertility in females and males are:

    In Females

    Increasing age affects the quantity or quality of eggs: Every female needs to know that they are born with a fixed number of eggs. However, as the females approach their late 30s, the number declines, and remaining eggs may have a higher chance of chromosomal defects. Therefore, the decreased quality and quality of eggs can lead to secondary infertility.

    Blockage in fallopian tubes: Blocked fallopian tubes are a common cause for secondary infertility. Commonly blockage occurs due to infections like chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and tuberculosis or due to infection or trauma caused by an abortion procedure. The fallopian tube is the area where fertilisation occurs. So, ruling out this situation with tests and medication can help you conceive. Sometimes surgery may be required to open the blocked tubes which is usually done by laparoscopy these days.

    Certain uterus conditions: The uterus carries the development of the foetus. However, problems like cysts, polyps, etc., can cause secondary fertility. Also, conditions from the last pregnancy, like dilation and curettage (D&C), caesarean delivery, or placenta infection, can be the reason too.

    Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a state where tissue that typically grows inside the uterus grows elsewhere in the body. Endometriosis can cause distortion and scarring of the pelvic organs leading to infertility. Not all endometriosis causes infertility, so it’s important to judge it.

    PCOD and PCOS: The failure to release eggs regularly due to hormonal imbalance can lead to PCOD and PCOS. It hinders fertility but can be cured. A thorough knowledge and complete guide to PCOD/PCOS can help you know more about the condition.

    Excessive weight gain after the first child’s birth is one of the commonest reasons that triggers off PCOS. Weight reduction benefits women with PCOS who want to conceive and gives general health benefits.

    Lifestyle changes: Your sedentary practices, weight gain issues, smoking, alcohol consumption, and other unhealthy habits can lead to certain conditions and secondary infertility. Sometimes occupational hazards such as working in a very hot environments or dealing with toxic substances can lead to testicular damage & infertility in the male partner.

    In Males

    Age: The semen quality and sperm count may be affected after age 40.

    Low testosterone levels: Testosterone plays a key role in producing sperm. However, ageing, injury or other medical conditions can cause a decline in its production.

    Prostate issues: Prostate enlargement and removal may hinder the production of semen in males.

    Late-onset hypogonadism: The reduced hormone secretion known as late-onset hypogonadism in males can cause secondary infertility.

    Lifestyle causes:  Lifestyle diseases and habits like weight gain, smoking, drinking etc., are also responsible for secondary infertility.

    The couples must consult the best fertility centres to rule out the reasons. Then, with some tests and guidance, you can experience parenthood again.

    What to Expect During Diagnosis

    If you face infertility issues after a successful pregnancy, your doctor may ask a few questions and run some tests. They may include:

    • Knowledge about your menstruation in females
    • Sperm quality test for males
    • Blood test for hormonal issues
    • There can be ultrasounds or other procedures to rule out the causes.

    Treatments for Secondary Infertility

    After asking concerned questions, running tests and making an advanced diagnosis, your doctor may give you possible solutions. First, however, you must know the importance of mental health while adopting fertility treatments. These treatments take time and ensure safe procedures. So, after a thorough discussion with your partner and doctor, you can opt for amazing options.

    This may include:

    Medications: Various medications can solve common issues related to infertility.

    Surgery: There can be uterine fibroids, and uterine scarring, another condition which can be solved with advanced surgeries.

    Advanced reproductive technology: Technology like intrauterine insemination (IUI), In vitro Fertilisation (IVF), and many other techniques fall under advanced reproductive technology. These are safe and can be viable options for experiencing parenthood.


    Becoming a parent again is a blessing. With the right steps, like egg freezing in India, you can store your eggs and become a parent when you want. Also, staying active, eating healthy and satisfying your unhealthy food cravings with these healthy options can be beneficial.

    Secondary infertility can be treated with timely actions. So, contact Dr Sodhi’s Health Care. It is one of the best Multispecialty Hospitals & IVF Centre In Mohali. We offer IVF, IUI, PESA, TESA, mTESE, egg and sperm donation, Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), Cryopreservation, Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy, Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic and a lot of others.

    At Dr Sodhi’s Health Care, We will address all the issues that can cause secondary infertility and guide you with the best. 

  • miscarriage February 1, 2023

    Dear grieving mom,

    The pain miscarriage brings is real, and you’re allowed to grieve. 

    All you need to know is that you have support, hope and all the love you need around you. Strong Lady, you must embrace the pain, let your heart out and share your thoughts with loved ones.

    You are assured that you will stand up more powerfully, with a full heart and the ability to start new beginnings. You may face constant confusion, and guilt, ruling out reasons, avoiding people, and questioning God. But, after embracing every feeling and passing of each thought, you will experience stronger hope than any force.

    Did you know that 10–15 % of pregnancies end in miscarriages worldwide, and there are many external and internal reasons. However, there have been successful pregnancies immediately after a miscarriage which brings positivity.

    So, let the question come to you, talk to experts and your loved ones and take your time to feel the pain. We understand your loss and want you to rise gloriously after passing this emotional phase. The most beautiful thing about life is it thrives and gives hope even after a feeling of loss.

    As Kenji Miyazawa said, 

    “We must embrace the pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.

    best ivf center in mohali for miscarriage

    Luckily, there are many ways to welcome motherhood, and this hope is enough to fuel you. We are with you on this journey and want to share maximum support and offer hope. To all the women who have experienced miscarriages, it’s time to take tiny steps to acknowledge and move forward with the support of loved ones and experts.

    The loss is irreplaceable; no matter how empathetic we feel, we can’t measure your feelings. Therefore we want you to make small efforts and stand stronger than before gradually.

    Some of the steps you can take after experiencing a miscarriage are:

    Acknowledge the Feelings

    As a woman who has felt this loss, you should not silence the topic. Instead, talk about it with people you’re most comfortable with. You, along with your partner, have suffered a loss. So, talking about it, embracing the pain, feelings, mood swings, anxiety, and failure can help you heal faster.

    Don’t Blame Yourself

    Many times women shut off people and create a silence around the topic. She blames herself for the activities or certain decisions that lead to miscarriage.

    You must know that pregnancy is a complex process, and many genetic factors may contribute to the happening. It’s an uncontrollable factor which can occur to anyone. So, blaming your decisions and actions is not the solution. Instead, talk to experts and heal yourself to start a new journey.

    Talk to Experts

    If you cannot take it off your mind and experience very bad mental or physical health, it’s time to talk to experts. Healthy talk with a therapist, people and experts may help calm your feelings. It would be best to feel the pain without letting it overpower you.

    Through interactive therapy sessions, you may be asked to write down your emotions and talk to mothers who have experienced the same and had successful pregnancies later. Tiny steps towards overcoming the feelings will help you a lot.

    Let Yourself Physically Heal

    There are many hormonal and physical changes in pregnancy which occur after miscarriages. You are in a vulnerable state. So, always take care of your health, take medications, and fulfil your diet requirements. Moreover, the experts may suggest things to satisfy your unhealthy food cravings with these healthy options during this phase. Feeling energetic and healthy will help you let you mentally heal and start again.

    Ready to try Again?

    Getting Pregnant In Your 30s

    They say, “the pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow!”

    After acknowledging all your feelings, being around loved ones and talking to experts, it’s your call to start again. It’s solely your decision and the right care that can help you begin the journey again.

    An expert doctor like Dr Sodhi’s Health Care Multispeciality Hospital and IVF Centre offers the best investigative procedures regarding fertility care. We offer the state of the art technology and techniques like IUI, IVF, ICSI, Sperm donor, Egg Donor, Embryo Freezing, Blastocyst Culture and Transfer, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, and more. Moreover, we help you rule out IUI vs IVF: which treatment is right for you and egg freezing in India and many other questions.

    We know that women require much-specialised care and compassion after a miscarriage. Therefore, we go through the procedure and address each with the right medication and the course of action.

    Moreover, we have a team of experienced nurses, psychologists, and staff who treat patients emotionally and mentally and boost them at each step. So, feel cared for with Dr Sodhi’s Health Care Multispeciality Hospital and IVF Centre to help build your family! We guide you about the right time to start your motherhood journey again.

    Fortunately, getting pregnant after a miscarriage is possible, and we guide you at each step of successful pregnancy and delivery. So, contact the Best IVF Centre in Mohali now. The successful stories of so many couples prove how patiently we deal with these cases to conquer them. 

  • IUI vs IVF January 28, 2023

    IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) are two most popular reproductive treatments that are helping people experience parenthood. But not both treatments are suitable for everyone. Of course, your gynaecologist will help you determine the right treatment – IUI vs IVF, a little knowledge always helps.

    What is the difference between the two treatment options, and which will be the best for you? Keep reading as we outline what they are, who these options are right for, and how to determine where to start.

    What are IUI and IVF?

    Let’s start with the basics!

    For the unversed, IUI is an artificial insemination procedure. The doctor inserts a previously collected and processed sperm into the uterine cavity. This process is performed with other fertility treatments to boost ovulation function. Moreover, the sperm is placed deeper into the uterine cavity. This way, it bypasses the cervix and enhances the chances of sperm meeting the egg. In case of severe male infertility, you can also consider going for reliable sperm donors in India.

    On the other hand, IVF is an advanced combination of surgical procedures and medications to fertilise an egg and assist its implantation in the uterus. Initially, a medication course is prescribed to help mature eggs and prepare them for fertilisation. These eggs are then taken out of the body and mixed with sperm in a lab.

    Once the eggs are fertilised, they are placed into the uterus through a surgical procedure. Please understand that IVF is a multi-dimensional procedure that can take several months to complete. However, it is an incredible treatment that can positively increase the chances of pregnancy.

    What’s the Difference Between IUI and IVF?

    Here are the major differences between the two fertility treatments.

    Fertilisation Process

    The fertilisation in IUI takes place internally, as the sperm is directly injected into the uterus. On the other hand, fertilisation in IVF takes place externally. The egg and sperm are combined, and the fertilised eggs are placed back into the uterus, resulting in pregnancy.

    Success Rate

    Are you wondering about the IUI Vs. IVF success rate? We got you covered. The Individual IUI success rate ranges from 15% to 20%. Reputed gynaecologist recommend two to four rounds, making a cumulative success rate of 40% to 50%. The IVF success rate depends upon the factors like ovarian reserve, age, and the cause of infertility. On average, a single IVF round has a success rate of 50% to 75%.

    Side Effects

    IUI and IVF have common side effects like a natural pregnancy. An unmedicated IUI usually has no virtual side effects. However, medicated IUI can lead to temporary mild symptoms like hot flashes, nausea, etc., in some patients. Moreover, around one-third of patients can experience similar symptoms in IVF. All the side effects usually resolve within a few days.

    Chances of Multiples

    The chances of having multiples like twins, triplets, etc., are quite high in an injectable medicated IUI cycle. This is because the doctors here have less control over the number of eggs released and fertilised. Moreover, a single embryo is transferred in IVF, which decreases the chances of having multiples significantly.

    Cost of the treatment

    IUI is comparatively an affordable option with a decent success rate. Younger women with no severe fertilisation issues can consider going for IUI first. Moreover, IVF is an expensive treatment option with an impressive success rate. It helps women of different ages to conceive and deliver healthy babies. Consider consulting an expert to know more about IUI Vs. IVF price.


    Experts recommend IUI for patients who prefer less invasive and painful fertility treatment options first. On the other hand, IVF is the ideal option for women who have gone through unsuccessful IUI rounds earlier.


    IUI is suitable for an average couple finding it difficult to conceive. It is usually the first step towards a healthy conception. In comparison, IVF is an advanced treatment option recommended as the second step after IUI. It is also a suitable option for older women with conceiving problems. You can discuss with your doctor which is better, IUI Vs. IVF over 40.

    Which one is Right for You?

    IUI Vs IVF: Which is right for you? If you are trying to decode the answer, the first expert to consult is the top gynaecologists in Mohali. They have the expertise and experience to help you select the best treatment.

    Ideally, the cause of infertility will help determine which treatment option will be right for you. There can be several issues like abnormal sperm, irregular ovulation, blocked fallopian tubes, etc. Moreover, your personal health history, current health conditions, and family health history will also play a vital role in deciding the right option for you.

    Meanwhile, here are the common suggestions given by experienced gynaecologists in such cases.

    When to go for IUI

    Gyneacologists will likely recommend IUI to women with unexplained infertility. In other words, when the cause of infertility remains unidentified, IUI can be the right treatment for you. It is affordable, less invasive, and, ideally, a promising first step towards artificial conceiving.

    When to go for IVF

    Experienced gynaecologists can recommend moving to IVF after having two to four unsuccessful IUI rounds. In some cases, like, severe male-factor infertility, multiple miscarriages, endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, etc., doctors can directly recommend IVF. Moreover, it is also a good option if you intend to get pregnant in your late 30s.

    Final thoughts

    So, it was all about the two of the most successful fertility treatments – IUI vs IVF. Both procedures are known to offer impressive results. However, the chances of conceiving and delivering healthy babies are higher in IVF. The best part is that, unlike IUI, IVF is a single-cycle procedure. It also significantly decreases the chances of miscarriage and gives you complete control over timing.

    So, consult the city’s top gynaecologists to understand both treatments’ pros and cons. Besides recommending the best between IUI and IVF, they can also play a vital role in managing the present and probable health complications.


For any concerns related to reproductive organs and female complications, you can get your appointment by contacting our number: 8146677366/8146677363/0172-2218044. For any queries, you can also visit Dr Sodhi’s Health Care Multispecialty Hospital & IVF Centre at 1524, S.A.S Nagar, Sector-69 Mohali, Punjab, without any hesitation.

Our other centre: “Dr Sodhi's Health Care Diagnostic Cardiology Centre”